Lab 10: Get Service Logs - squatchulator/Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki


# Storyline: View the event logs, check for a valid log, and print the results.

function select_log() {


    # List all event logs
    $theLogs = Get-EventLog -list | select Log

    $theLogs | Out-Host

    $arrLog = @()

    foreach ($tempLog in $theLogs) {
        # Add each log to the array
        # Note - These are stored in the array as a hashtable in the format:
        # @{Log=LOGNAME}
        $arrLog += $tempLog


    # Test to be sure our array is being populated.
    Write-Host $arrLog[0]

    # Prompt the user for the log to view or quit
    $readLog = read-host -Prompt "Please enter a log from the list above or 'q' to quit the program"
    # Check if the user wants to quit
    if ($readLog -match "^[qQ]$") {

        # Stop executing and close the script

    log_check -logToSearch $readLog

} # ends select_log()

function log_check() {

    # String the user types in within the select_log function

    # Format the user input
    $theLog = "^@{Log=" + $logToSearch + "}$"

    # Search the array for the exact hashtable string
    if ($arrLog -match $theLog){

        write-host -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor White "Please wait, it may take a few moments to retrieve log entries."

        sleep 2
        # Call the function to view the log by passing the arguement
        view_log -logToSearch $logToSearch

    } else {

        write-host -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor White "The log specified does not exist."
        sleep 2
} # ends log_check()

function view_log() {


    Get-EventLog -Log $logToSearch -Newest 10 -After "1/18/2020"

    # Pause and wait until the user is ready 
    read-host -Prompt "Press enter when finished."

    # Go back to select_log

} # ends view_log()

function service_log() {


    $services = @('all', 'stopped', 'running')

    Write-Host "1. All"

    Write-Host "2. Stopped"

    Write-Host "3. Running"

    # Accept the user input and determine whether they selected option 1,2,3 or to quit.
    $input = Read-Host -Prompt "Select an option to view, or enter q to quit"
    # Output all services, whether running or stopped
    if ($input -eq "1" -or $input -eq "all" -or $input -eq "All") {


    # Output only stopped services
    elseif ($input -eq "2" -or $input -eq "stopped" -or $input -eq "Stopped") {

        Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.Status -eq "stopped" }

    # Output only running services
    elseif ($input -eq "3" -or $input -eq "running" -or $input -eq "Running") {

        Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.Status -eq "running" }
    # Quit the program
    elseif ($input -match "^[qQ]$") {



    # Triggers when the input is none of the above and starts the function over again (not from the main menu)
    else {

        Write-Host "That is not a valid input. Please try again."

        sleep 2


} # ends service_log()

function menu() {


    Write-Host "1. System Logs"

    Write-Host "2. Service Logs"

    $input = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the number 1 or 2 to select an option"

    if ($input -eq "1"){


    elseif ($input -eq "2") {


    else {

        Write-Host "That is not a valid selection. Please try again."

        sleep 2



} # ends menu()

# Run the menu function to start the program