Lab 04: DHCP - squatchulator/Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki
Intended to show how to install and configure Linux DHCP services on dhcp.yourname.local.
Installing/Configuring DHCP Services
- Using PuTTY or Powershell, ssh to DHCP01
- PuTTY can't be downloaded on AD01, so if done from there do through Powershell.
- You can adjust the lease with 'default-lease-time xxxx (seconds)' and 'max-lease-time xxxx (seconds)' in the conf file.
- Type ':w' and ':q' to save and quit vi
- To start DHCP type 'sudo systemctl start dhcpd'. Check the status with 'systemctl status dhcpd'.
- Enable DHCPD to start on boot with 'systemctl enable dhcpd'
Windows 10 DHCP Client
- Change IPv4 properties to enable dynamic addressing
Related to DHCP
- KRB5
- Short for Kerberos. Kerberos is a network authentication protocol that encrypts the client's identity and proceeding communications once authenticated. It sits on top of UDP and TCP.
- Stands for Internet Control Message Protocol. This is used primarily to send and receive messages across networking devices such as error messages or operational information.
- Stands for NetBIOS Name Service. It translates human-readable names to IP addresses like DNS, but can run on top of other layer 3 protocols.