16. Miyoo Flip Unbricking - spruceUI/spruceOS GitHub Wiki

Miyoo Flip Unbricking - Flashing of eMMC Tutorial


Download the MiyooFlipUnbricker.zip here!

Required Tools

  • 1x Bricked or Partially Bricked Miyoo Flip (Miyoo355)
  • 1x USB-A to USB-C Data transfer cable (like the one included with the handheld)
  • 1x Phillips Screwdriver
  • 1x Windows computer
  • Tweezers

Initial Instructions - Disassemble

In order to flash the device, you need to disassemble the back panel of the device, and disconnect the battery (for safety).


There are the 4 screws holding together the back panel that you need to remove. Slowly open the back panel of your Flip and carefully unplug the battery on the following connector;


IMPORTANT grab the battery connector itself and NOT the wires. Use your tweezers to grasp the connector and gently wiggle it while pulling up.

Once that's done move the handheld to the side, it is now time to prepare your computer for the flashing process.

Preparing your Computer

Extract the contents of MiyooFlipUnbricker.zip and proceed to the following directory to install the needed drivers by clicking on DriverInstall.exe.


Once the drivers are installed, plug the USB cable into to your PC, and launch RKDevTool by clicking on RKDevTool.exe


Maskrom Mode

To boot into Maskrom Mode (DFU Mode) and allow you to flash the device, you'll need to carefully follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the following button on the devices motherboard;


  1. While holding it down, plug the USB C Cable on the charging port of the device.

If everything went well, you'll see the following on your RKDevTool;


Once that's visible, you can release the button and proceed to follow this video steps to flash our device;


NOTE: The last step might fail sometimes, and close down your RKDevTool, if that happens, open it again and proced to repeat the last step, Don't Panic.


Once those steps are done, unplug the device from the computer, reconnect the battery, and without inserting an SD card turn it on. If everything went as planned you should now be on Stock OS, and your device is fully functional again.


Huge thank you to Spiken for writing this up!

Gamma for the tutorial video

u/FittsJ for the photo