Spring Cloud Sleuth 2.0 Migration Guide - spring-cloud/spring-cloud-sleuth GitHub Wiki

Spring Cloud Sleuth 2.0 Migration Guide

IMPORTANT: This migration guide is a work in progress



With Brave instrumentation there are 2 different lifecycles.

  • Span creation and stopping and span reporting.
  • Span hooking to current context

When brave.Span.finish() is called the span gets stopped and reported.

In order to hook in the span to current context you need to call the try-with-resources clause via withSpanInScope. For example:

try (SpanInScope ws = tracer.withSpanInScope(span.start())) {
  // do sth with the span
} finally {

Removed features

  • SpanLogger
    • Name pattern of Span Logger will not be applicable.
  • Sampler
    • Sampler from Brave needs to be used
  • Metrics
    • we delegate to ReporterMetrics from Zipkin
  • SleuthProperties props:
    • supportsJoin - will come from Brave
  • ExceptionUtils
    • we no longer play around with threads and thread locals so this is no longer required
  • SpanInjector & SpanExtractor

Sleuth's Tracer to brave.Tracer


import org.springframework.cloud.sleuth.Tracer;

Tracer tracer;


import brave.Tracer;

Tracer tracer;

Brave's spans are not started by default

In Sleuth whenever you've created a span it got attached to the current context and started. In Brave you have to manage both manually. When the span is created, it's not started. You need to explicitly call start() if creating a custom span to make it searchable by time Zipkin.

Child span creation


Span child = tracer.createSpan("name");


brave.Span span = tracer.nextSpan().name("name").start();

Span closing


Span child = tracer.createSpan("name");
try {
  // do sth
} finally {


brave.Span span = tracer.nextSpan().name("name");
try (SpanInScope ws = tracer.withSpanInScope(span.start())) { // make sure SLF4J can see trace IDs
  // do sth
} finally {

Span tagging


tracer.addTag("foo", "bar");


import brave.SpanCustomizer;

SpanCustomizer span;

// If only modifying the span name, tags or annotations, you do not need a tracer
// This will safely ignore changes if there's no current span
this.span.tag("foo", "bar");

Baggage needs to be whitelisted

In Sleuth we used to create headers that had the baggage prefix. You can do it via 2 properties:

  • spring.sleuth.baggage-keys - those keys will be prefixed with baggage- and baggage_. That way we are backward compatible with previous versions of Sleuth.
  • spring.sleuth.propagation-keys - those keys will be whitelisted as they are. No prefix will be set.

ArayListSpanAccumulator renamed to ArrayListSpanReporter





Percentage -> Probability

org.springframework.cloud.brave.sampler.SamplerProperties#percentage renamed to org.springframework.cloud.brave.sampler.SamplerProperties#probability


org.springframework.cloud.sleuth.sampler.PercentageBasedSampler renamed to org.springframework.cloud.sleuth.sampler.ProbabilityBasedSampler

Related to https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-sleuth/issues/397

SpanInjector & SpanExtractor

The interfaces related to injecting and extracting span information got removed since we're now reusing Brave's internals. In Brave with Sleuth you can use the Bean of type Propagation.Factory to change the way you retrieve and set the propagation headers. The default version without baggage is B3Propagation.FACTORY. If you have baggage related keys, then we add those keys to the default ones from B3Propagation.FACTORY. You can check TraceAutoConfiguration for more information.

The Propagation.Factory is agnostic of the carrier type. That means that it only knows which headers should be set or retrieved. It doesn't know how exactly it should be done. That's where brave.propagation.Propagation.Setter and brave.propagation.Propagation.Getter come into play. Those interfaces can tell the Factory how to retrieve and set values from a carrier.

If you want to change the headers that define span / trace id, etc. it's enough to set a custom version of the Propagation.Factory. If you want to introduce a new integration, you'll have to use the Propagation#injector(Setter) and Propagation#extractor(Getter) methods. They are available via Tracing#propagation method that returns Propagation.

You can read the Sleuth's documentation under the Propagation section for more information.

Good example of a Setter can be found inside brave.spring.web.TracingClientHttpRequestInterceptor. Good example of a Getter can be found inside brave.servlet.TracingFilter.


TraceRunnable and TraceCallable moved to instrument.async





TraceableExecutorService has the constructor with BeanFactory remaining


public TraceableExecutorService(final ExecutorService delegate, final Tracer tracer,
			TraceKeys traceKeys, SpanNamer spanNamer) {

	public TraceableExecutorService(BeanFactory beanFactory, final ExecutorService delegate) {

	public TraceableExecutorService(final ExecutorService delegate, final Tracer tracer,
			TraceKeys traceKeys, SpanNamer spanNamer, String spanName) {


public TraceableExecutorService(BeanFactory beanFactory, final ExecutorService delegate) {

public TraceableExecutorService(BeanFactory beanFactory, final ExecutorService delegate, String spanName) {

TraceableScheduledExecutorService changed constructor


public TraceableScheduledExecutorService(ScheduledExecutorService delegate,
			Tracer tracer, TraceKeys traceKeys, SpanNamer spanNamer) {
		super(delegate, tracer, traceKeys, spanNamer);


public TraceableScheduledExecutorService(BeanFactory beanFactory, final ExecutorService delegate) {
		super(beanFactory, delegate);

TraceAsyncAspect changed constructor


	public TraceAsyncAspect(Tracer tracer, TraceKeys traceKeys, BeanFactory beanFactory) {
		this.tracer = tracer;
		this.traceKeys = traceKeys;
		this.beanFactory = beanFactory;

	public TraceAsyncAspect(Tracer tracer, TraceKeys traceKeys, SpanNamer spanNamer) {
		this.tracer = tracer;
		this.traceKeys = traceKeys;
		this.spanNamer = spanNamer;
		this.beanFactory = null;


public TraceAsyncAspect(Tracer tracer, SpanNamer spanNamer) {

TraceAsyncAspect overrides the name of the current span

In Sleuth we were able to rename the async span coming from a TraceRunnable. In Brave you can't access the span's name when it's in progress of being created. That's why we will always rename the span.

TraceAsyncListenableTaskExecutor moved from web.client to async package





Removed features

It seems that we have overengineered the async trace context passing. It seems that with the async template's interceptor with a wrapper around the ListenableFutureCallback we don't need to wrap the connection factories anymore.

TODO: Please provide feedback if that's the case. Current tests prove that it's good enough.

Removed classes :

  • TraceAsyncClientHttpRequestFactoryWrapper - replaced by simple interceptor org.springframework.cloud.brave.instrument.web.client.AsyncTracingClientHttpRequestInterceptor
  • TraceRestTemplateInterceptor - replaced by brave.spring.web.TracingClientHttpRequestInterceptor
  • LocalComponentTraceCallable - replaced by TraceCallable
  • LocalComponentTraceRunnable - replaced by TraceRunnable
  • SpanContinuingTraceCallable - replaced by TraceCallable
  • SpanContinuingTraceRunnable - replaced by TraceRunnable
  • TraceKeys is now package scope and got moved. Most likely in future will be completely removed (https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-sleuth/pull/942)

Web clients (RestTemplate, WebClient, AsyncRestTemplate)

AsyncRestTemplate no longer a bean

We've changed the way AsyncRestTemplate is instrumented. No longer do we instrument in a way that automatically registers an AsyncRestTemplate bean. That's why you need to provide your own bean.


no AsyncRestTemplate bean was required


AsyncRestTemplate myAsyncRestTemplate() {
return new AsyncRestTemplate();

Removed classes :

  • TraceAsyncRestTemplate - replaced by simple interceptor org.springframework.cloud.brave.instrument.web.client.AsyncTracingClientHttpRequestInterceptor

RestTemplate interceptors removed

We will use those from Brave.





Brave RestTemplate interceptor name and tag spans differently

When a request was sent via RestTemplate it will name the span with the method name e.g. GET. If you want to have the previous way of naming spans and the default span tags you have turn on the spring.sleuth.http.legacy.enabled=true flag.

Removed features

Removed classes :

  • HttpTraceKeysInjector


The SleuthHystrixConcurrencyStrategy will always creates a new span. Brave doesn't like continuing spans too much and it makes things more complex. SleuthHystrixConcurrencyStrategy will also not add any additional tags.

Changed constructor of SleuthHystrixConcurrencyStrategy


public SleuthHystrixConcurrencyStrategy(Tracing tracing, TraceKeys traceKeys)


public SleuthHystrixConcurrencyStrategy(Tracing tracing,
			SpanNamer spanNamer, ErrorParser errorParser)

Web Servers

No span id == new trace

There was a case in Sleuth where one passed the trace id, the debug flag was set to 1 and there was no span id. In that case we continued the span. With Brave, a new trace id will be created.

No trace id == invalid span

There was a case in Sleuth where one passed the span id, the debug flag was set to 1 and there was no trace id. In that case we continued the span. With Brave this is an exceptional situation and the debug flag will get ignored. The sampling decision will take place via the provided Sampler.

No response code tags for parent span

For the first span ever we don't set the all the response codes anymore. We're tagging status codes from 100-200 and 400+.

No support for multiple value headers

Brave doesn't support a list of values in the header. Since we delegate the header parsing to Brave we don't support those anymore either.

Removed features

  • TraceFilter got removed
  • TraceHandlerInterceptor got renamed to SleuthTraceHandlerInterceptor and made package scoped
  • TraceFilter.ORDER got moved to TraceWebServletAutoConfiguration.TRACING_FILTER_ORDER

The logic was moved to custom (legacy) HttpTracing and to TracingFilter and TracingHandlerInterceptor from Brave

return HttpTracing.newBuilder(tracing)
				.clientParser(new SleuthHttpClientParser(traceKeys))
				.serverParser(new SleuthHttpServerParser(traceKeys, errorParser))
				// ...

TracePreZuulFilter is removed TracePostZuulFilter is packaged scoped

Sleuth Stream

This feature is completely removed. If you want to send spans via messaging use the zipkin client with kafka or rabbit dependency.


There are no longer CR, CS, SS, SR logs. We're using Zipkin v2. Now, span.kind tells you how to interpret span.timestamp, duration and remoteEndpoint. Kind in CLIENT SERVER PRODUCER CONSUMER