SND - sporedata/researchdesigneR GitHub Wiki

General description

The Swedish National Database of Research and Development (SND) is a comprehensive repository that facilitates access to a wide range of research data from various disciplines. The database supports researchers by providing infrastructure for sharing, accessing, and preserving research data. The SND promotes open science and aims to enhance the reuse of data by offering services such as metadata creation, data storage, and access management.

Benefit and categories


  • Data Preservation: Ensures long-term preservation and accessibility of research data.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: The SND includes data from diverse research fields, enabling interdisciplinary studies.
  • Support for Researchers: Provides extensive support for data management, including ethical reviews and legal compliance.


  • Health Data: Information on health outcomes, interventions, and population health.
  • Economic Data: Economic indicators, market research, and financial data.
  • Environmental Data: Data on environmental monitoring, biodiversity, and climate change.
  • Social Sciences Data: Surveys, interviews, and observational studies in social sciences.


  • Access Restrictions: Some datasets are restricted and require specific permissions for access.
  • Complex Navigation: The database can be complex to navigate for new users due to the extensive range of data available.

Related publications

Data access

Data access varies; some datasets are publicly available, while others require permissions or are accessible only through specific requests. Detailed information on how to access the data can be found at Website