GUS - sporedata/researchdesigneR GitHub Wiki

General description

Statistics Poland (Główny Urząd Statystyczny, GUS) is the central statistical office of Poland, responsible for collecting and publishing statistics related to the country's economy, population, and society. The organization produces a wide range of statistical data, covering various aspects such as demographics, economic activities, education, health, and more. GUS ensures the collection, processing, and dissemination of statistical information in accordance with international standards.

Benefit and categories


Researchers can benefit from using the datasets provided in the following ways:

  • Policy Making: Data supports evidence-based policy-making and socio-economic planning.
  • Regional Analysis: Data broken down by regions enables localized studies and regional comparisons.
  • Historical Comparisons: Availability of historical data allows researchers to perform trend analysis and longitudinal studies.
  • Comprehensive Data: Access to a wide range of detailed and comprehensive data across multiple sectors, aiding in thorough research and analysis.


The datasets from Statistics Poland cover various categories, including:

  • Health: Health status, healthcare utilization, mortality rates.
  • Labour Market: Employment, unemployment, labour force characteristics.
  • Economic Activities: Industry, construction, agriculture, forestry, trade.
  • Population: Demographics, population size and structure, vital statistics.
  • Education: Educational attainment, school enrollments, educational institutions.
  • Environment: Environmental protection, energy consumption, waste management.


The limitations of the datasets provided by Statistics Poland include:

  • Data Gaps: Some datasets might have gaps or lack granularity for very specific research needs.
  • Access Restrictions: Certain detailed data sets may require special permissions or be subject to confidentiality restrictions.
  • Language Barrier: Most of the detailed documentation and metadata are available only in Polish, which may be a hurdle for non-Polish speaking researchers.

Related publications

Data access

Data access is public and can be accessed through the Statistics Poland website: