ESMÉ - sporedata/researchdesigneR GitHub Wiki

General description

The ESMÉ program, initiated in 2014 by Unicancer R&D and endorsed by all French Comprehensive Cancer Centers (FCCCs), is an autonomous academic endeavor aimed at consolidating real-world data on cancer patients in France. Its primary goal is to track the progression of patient care and treatment strategies on a large scale, incorporating both medical and economic perspectives.

This initiative operates through the ESMÉ database, which aggregates information from three main sources:

  1. The patient database, which compiles data from computerized patient records (DPI).
  2. The treatment database, which collects information on medication dispensation from pharmacies.
  3. The hospital database, which gathers data on hospitalizations.

Currently, three data platforms have been established focusing on:

  • Metastatic breast cancer
  • Ovarian cancer, and
  • Metastatic non-small cell lung cancer

By utilizing anonymized data provided by healthcare professionals for various cancer types or treatment domains, the ESME platform offers a means to generate supplementary insights compared to those derived solely from randomized clinical trials. It is important to note that ESME does not generate new data; rather, it organizes existing data from participating FCCCs, university, and general hospitals into a unified format for enhanced understanding and analysis (referred to as longitudinal retrospective data).

Data access

More information about ESMÉ can be found at