CI5 - sporedata/researchdesigneR GitHub Wiki

General description

  • The Cancer Incidence in Five Continents (CI5) database is a comprehensive resource that compiles global cancer incidence data from high-quality population-based cancer registries.

  • The database is a collaborative project of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the International Association of Cancer Registries (IACR).

  • CI5 provides standardized data to facilitate international comparisons of cancer incidence rates, contributing to global cancer research and control efforts.

Benefits and categories


Using the CI5 dataset, researchers can:

  • Support the development of targeted cancer prevention and screening programs.
  • Analyze global trends in cancer incidence to identify emerging patterns and disparities.
  • Inform public health policies and cancer control strategies by providing evidence-based data.
  • Conduct comparative studies on cancer incidence across different regions and populations.
  • Enhance understanding of cancer etiology and the impact of environmental, genetic, and lifestyle factors.


The dataset includes the following categories:

  • Population Data: Demographic information to calculate age-standardized incidence rates.
  • Temporal Trends: Data on changes in cancer incidence over time.
  • Cancer Incidence Data: Detailed information on new cancer cases by cancer type, sex, age, and geographical region.
  • Geographical Comparisons: Data enabling comparisons of cancer incidence across different countries and regions.


  1. Variability in data quality and completeness across different cancer registries.
  2. Potential underreporting or misclassification of cancer cases in some regions.
  3. Limited availability of data for rare cancers and specific subpopulations.

Related publications

Data access

Data access is public and can be accessed through the CI5 Data Access