13.Qualitative07.Coincidence Analysis (CNA) - sporedata/researchdesigneR GitHub Wiki

1. Use cases: in which situations should I use this method?

2. Input: what kind of data does the method require?

  • At least one outcome (condition) and a few predictors.

3. Algorithm: how does the method work?

Model mechanics

Describing in words

  • Crisp CNA
    • The technique relies on finding possible combinations of variables (i.e., order is not important) that are often associated with a given outcome
    • Crisp CNA has a standardized set of steps
      1. Crisp set calibration (variable recategorization) for categorical and continuous variables, using a mix of theory-driven and data analysis.
      2. Testing of necessity relations, which is measured by counting the frequency of the occurrence of the outcome given the presence of a specific predictor, as a percentage of all all outcomes events. This analysis is aided by Venn diagrams.
      3. Analysis of sufficiency relationss, which includes complex, parsimonious and intermediate solutions. These include the analysis of all combinations of predictors leading to the outcome.
      4. Plotting of results, often including Venn diagrams
  • Fuzzy CNA
    • In contrast with crisp CNA, each of the variables is not Boolean (i.e., having a true/false value), but instead can have continuous values ranging between 0 and 1.
    • The two calibration methods include direct and transformational assignment.
  • Multivalue CNA, where the outcome (condition) has more than two categories
  • Temporal CNA, where the condition (outcome) measurement is repeated over time.

Describing in images

Describing with code

Breaking down equations

Reporting guidelines for Methods

Data science packages

  • QCA
  • Introduction to the CNA method and package [3]
  • The package cutpointr provides tools to determine optimal cutpoints and may assist in the calibration of crisp datasets.

Suggested companion methods

  • Visualization

Learning materials

  1. Books
  1. Articles

4. Output: how do I interpret this method's results?

Mock conclusions or most frequent format for conclusions reached at the end of a typical analysis.

Tables, plots, and their interpretation

  • CRISP QCA models
    • Necessity tables
    • Sufficiency tables
    • Venn diagrams

Reporting guidelines for Results

5. SporeData-specific


Data science functions


[1] Baumgartner M. Inferring Causal Complexity. Sociological methods & research. 2009 Aug;38(1):71-101.

[2] Baumgartner M, Ambühl M. Causal modeling with multi-value and fuzzy-set Coincidence Analysis. Political Science Research and Methods. 2020 Jul;8(3):526-42.

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