09.Machine learning09.Recommender systems - sporedata/researchdesigneR GitHub Wiki

1. Use cases: in which situations should I use this method?

  • It can be used for example, to make suggestions regarding treatments to cope with pain for cancer patients where, given a series of patient characteristics, similar patients have selected specific treatment options.

    2. Input: what kind of data does the method require?

  • the same requisites required for the underlying machine learning model

3. Algorithm: how does the method work?

Model mechanics

The principle behind recommender systems such as non-negative matrix factorization is that it will check the relationship between a given patient and a matrix representing a combination of her characteristics and preferences, and then extrapolate those associations to other patients sharing the same characteristics but missing the preferences.

Reporting guidelines

Data science packages

Suggested companion methods

Learning materials

  1. Books
  2. Articles combining theory and scripts

4. Output: how do I interpret this method's results?

Mock conclusions or most frequent format for conclusions reached at the end of a typical analysis.

Tables, plots, and their interpretation

5. SporeData-specific


Data science functions


[1] Elshahawy S. Understanding Matrix Factorization for recommender systems.

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