Backups logs - splunk/splunkconf-backup GitHub Wiki

There are 3 differents logs :

  • splunkconf-backup : log all operation relative to backups
  • splunkconf-restore : log operation related to restoring kvdump backups at Splunk start (also rotate and purge splunkconf-backup log files)
  • splunkconf-purgebackup : log all the purging activities

All these logs are searchable via index=_internal source=splunkconf-backup.log

Most logs will be using these fields :

  • time
  • function name
  • id (epoch time when the function started)
  • action (backup, purge,...)
  • type (local or remote)
  • object (etc,state,kvstore or scripts)
  • result (success, failure, warning)
  • reason more context on result
  • src backup source
  • dest backup destination
  • durationms duration in ms
  • size backup size
  • minfreespace minimal free space for backup to be launched (to reduce disk full risk)
  • currentavailable current free space on backup location
  • backuptype whether it is versioned or not