Work Packages and Collaborative ToDos - spencermountain/wtf_wikipedia GitHub Wiki

The documentation first principle should allow other developers joining the software design process prior to implementation and share the workload and development in a team. Different developers identify different pitfalls and see maybe other workarounds for issues and feature requests. Some decisions can be very costly in developement time. This wiki page tries to reduced the time by team assignment of workpackages. Spencer Kelly, the maintainer of wtf_wikipedia mentioned in the that the parsing task of wtf_wikipedia can be handled in a team of developers. So the route is

  • to make it easy that other developers can understand the code - use the Wiki for adding comprehensive documentation or improve existing pages.
  • Assign for workpackage that you as a developer will be able to contribute to wtf_wikipedia share the results to the maintainer with a pull request.
  • Use GitHub/Issues first for discussion and summerize the structure result in a GitHub wiki page.

You can add TODO Assignment in the GitHub Wiki after discussion in issues. Decompose a major milestone in smaller workpackage as ToDos. Spencer Kelly as maintainer gives his assessement by labeling issues.

After discussion in Issues a wikipage can be used to summerize fragemented comments, solutions and workarounds in a GitHub Wiki page and create a corresponding ToDo on this page. Developers can could assign themselves for the developement of the milestone or workpackage. Developers can propose workpackages and the maintainer spencermountain sets the workpackage

  • on "GO" or
  • on "FORK", which means that it will not be part of the software design of wtf_wikipedia and Spencer as the maintainer recommends to fork wtf_wikipedia for that purpose.

Workpackages - Proposed

This section contains proposed workpackages from other developers that are discussed in GitHub/Issues

  • AST Tree Node generation
  • Implementation and refactoring for implementation of ContentList

Workpackages - GO

This section contains workpackages, that are set on GO by the wtf_wikipedia maintainer and for which developers can assigned themselvers as a ToDo. Please add a propective time span you need as developer, so that other developers can see when to expect a solution or whom to contact when someone else wants to contribute to that workpackage as well:

  • a demo package will be created that shows how wtf_wikipedia can be expanded to export other support formats (e.g. RevealJS for Wiki2Reveal as demo) the demo package will show how to add the toReveal() to the tree nodes in AST (Abstract Syntax Tree).

Workpackages - FORK

The forked repository are listed here if developers too if developers already the fork. An description was added why a FORK was recommended in comparision to an integration of the feature request into wtf_wikipedia.

Workpackage - DEPENDENT_LIB

The forked repository are listed here if developers create new libraries that are dependent on wtf_wikipedia. An description was added why a DEPENDENT_LIB was recommended in comparision to an integration of the feature into wtf_wikipedia.

  • wtf_wikipedia_ast is a library dependent on wtf_wikipedia that is used to populate the AST nodes by calling wtf (see Issues mirco libraries ).