Plugin Concept - spencermountain/wtf_wikipedia GitHub Wiki

The plugin concept allows to add additional features to wtf_wikipedia without touching the source code. The benefit of plugins is, that the evolution of the underlying wtf_wikipedia and the plugins can be performed independently and requires no forking and merging into the underlying wtf_wikipedia. The wtf_wikipedia plugins require an update if the the interface for generating plugins changes or the structure of the parse nodes in the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) has e.g. new nodes, that must be handled also from the plugin.

How to add Plug-ins to wtf_wikipedia

Plug-ins are stored in the folder plug-in. Analyse the plug-in of the HTML export and adapt the plug-in to e.g. to your preferred file format as output. If you want to analyse the structure of your preferred export format you can try the online converter based on Pandoc by John MacFarlane and explore how format converter operate in general. Also the concept of an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) may be helpful to understand to processing of an AST into an output format. Decide to support of new output formats plug-ins can also be used to improve the parsing functionalities of the repository wtf_wikipedia and extract structured data into the JSON that was not extracted before in the provided version of wtf_wikipedia.

Update Plug-ins

Assume you have created a plug-in with the name wtf-my-new-plugin on GitHub. Update your plug-in as usual with the standard git procedures. Now you can install your plugin after an npm publish for plug-in wtf-my-new-plugin and install the module wtf_wikipedia and require the plugin of the repository wtf-my-new-plugin in the following way, by extending the wtf with the method extend(). New new plug-in adds e.g. a new the method extract_something() to the doc object (not the wtf object in NodeJS):

let wtf = require('wtf_wikipedia');

wtf.fetch('Toronto Raptors').then((doc) => doc.extract_something())
// the function will return the specific extracted data, you want to have from the Wikipedia article of the `Toronto Raptors`.

You can find already implemented plug-ins in the plug-in folder of repository. To understand the require process for plug-ins require the existing plug-ins first and understand the workflow before you create your own.

wtf.fetch('Pulp Fiction').then((doc) => doc.summary())
// 'a 1994 American crime film'

wtf.fetch('David Bowie').then((doc) => doc.birthDate())
// {year:1947, date:8, month:1}

wtf.fetch('Ziggy Stardust', 'fr').then((doc) => {
  //{ nom:{text:"Ziggy Stardust"}, oeuvre:{text:"The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust"} }

Create a new wtf_wikipedia2 repository with your own plugin

As usual you can require the repository

  • wtf_wikipedia with npm install wtf_wikipedia --save and
  • your own plugin wtf-my-new-plugin with npm install wtf-my-new-plugin --save in your new package wtf_wikipedia2. The you extend wtf as mentioned above with the extend(...) method and then you apply the build process of wtf_wikipedia to your main index.js in wtf_wikipedia2/src/ similar to the build of wtf_wikipedia.

Create and share new plugins on GitHub or GitLab

You might want to share e.g. a new plug-in and integrate it in the standard wtf_wikipedia repository you can create a pull request for this repository and explain in the comments what additional functionality can be expected from that new plugin.

List of available 3rd-Party Plugins