Parsing Wiki Source - spencermountain/wtf_wikipedia GitHub Wiki

Parsing the Wiki Document

The main parsing method of the fetched or loaded wiki source is called in /src/document/index.js with

   r.sections = parse.section(wiki, options) || [];

The call of sections generates all section elements in the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) which is stored in the returned variable r.

Parse Section

The module /src/section/index.js exports the section parser. The call of parse.section(wiki, options)

  • splits the wiki source into sections,
  • determines the section title and depth, i.e. section, subsection, subsubsection, ...
  • and parses the section content The exported function/method is splitSections(wiki, options), that returns the sections.

Section Heading/Title

The section header and depth is parsed in src/section/heading.js.

Regular Expression to Split Sections

As a regular expression to split the sections the following regular expression is used:

const section_reg = /[\n^](={1,5}[^=]{1,200}?={1,5})/g;
let split = wiki.split(section_reg); //.filter(s => s);
let sections = [];
for (let i = 0; i < split.length; i += 2) {
  let heading = split[i - 1] || '';
  let content = split[i] || '';

The brackets in "(" and ")" in the regular expression are used for storing the matched header ={1,5}[^=]{1,200}?={1,5} (e.g. ===My Heading===) in the split array split. This leads to the fact, that the split array contains alternating [content0,heading1,content1,heading2,content2,.... The first element in the array content0 contains the preceeding text before the first section heading is defined in the wiki source text. The content parts of the split are processed by doSection(section, wiki, options) and the parameter wiki of the function contains the content body of the section.

Section Body/Content

After each heading the body/content of the section is parsed with the method doSection(section, wiki, options) in /src/section/index.js, which returns the populated section node of the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of the document. The structure of the tree node is populated by different parsing methods for the content elements.

wiki = parse.xmlTemplates(section, wiki, options);
// //parse the <ref></ref> tags
wiki = parse.references(section, wiki, options);
//parse-out all {{templates}}
wiki = parse.templates(section, wiki, options);
// //parse the tables
wiki = parse.table(section, wiki);
// //parse the lists
wiki = parse.list(section, wiki);
// //parse+remove scary [[ [[]] ]]' stuff
//second, remove [[file:...[[]] ]] recursions
let matches = find_recursive('[', ']', wiki);
wiki = parse.image(matches, section, wiki, options);
wiki = parse.interwiki(matches, section, wiki, options);
//do each sentence
parse.eachSentence(section, wiki)
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