ConvertWorkload - spaghettidba/WorkloadTools GitHub Wiki


ConvertWorkload is a command line tool to convert existing trace and Extended Events files to the internal SQLite format used by WorkloadTools.

Why converting trace file to a different intermediate format instead of supporting it directly? In the beginning, SqlWorkload used to read trace files using an API that works only in x86. While WorkloadTools can work in x86, using x64 builds is highly recommended, due to the possible high memory usage when capturing intensive workloads. Using a x86 API would have excluded the functionality from the x64 builds, hence using an external tool to convert trace files seems much more appropriate.

Now ConvertWorkload itself uses LocalDB to read trace and XE data, so it is not unreasonable to expect the same from SqlWorkload. Issue 87 is a placeholder for this feature.

Command line switches

-I or --Input               The input file(s) (trace or extended events) to convert. Will process rollover files in order.

-O or --Output              The output SQLite file to write

-L or --Log                 Specifies where to save the log file

-A or --ApplicationFilter   Application filter to apply while converting the source file

-D or --DatabaseFilter      Database filter to apply while converting the source file

-H or --HostFilter          Host filter to apply while converting the source file

-U or --LoginFilter         Login filter to apply while converting the source file