grub issues - sp2004c/wiki-and-QA GitHub Wiki

The only minor inconvenience I found in NRR was the "memory test" GRUB entry, which does not like to be moved around in the GRUB-customizer (--> error), so just leave it where it is.

Grub Customizer, and similar utilities like grub2-editor-frameworks are problematic for most Arch based distributions, especially Manjaro which NRR is based on. This has to do with the way Manjaro loads the Intel microcode by default, and why all of these utilities are not in the main Arch or Manjaro repositories, but only available from the AUR.

NRR (like Manjaro and Arch with intel-ucode installed) must be used to manage grub or you loose the ability to boot into it - this happens after you install e.g. Debian 9 onto the same disk as NRR. Most other distributions (like Debian, Ubuntu, etc.) do not know how to handle the way grub loads the intel-ucode under Arch/Manjaro.

in case of GRUB boot error / non-bootable disk:

grub-install --root-directory=/mountedHere /dev/sdX with devX is usually /dev/sda if one disk only

using either: grub-customizer


sudo pacman --root /mountedHere -S linux

often is tricky or fails.