Lab 2‐2 ‐ Observing LAN Activity - souderton89/Net-150 GitHub Wiki

What is a MAC address and what are its components? MAC stand for Media Access Control its the physical address of a network interface card.

How to get a MAC address? your mac address can be found in your computer information or by going in the command prompt and typing IPCONFIG /all.

What is Wireshark and how to use it? Wireshark is a software use to capture packets on a network. these packets come with lots of information Like IP address, Mac address if on the same Lan. Wireshark will capture all packets on networks it doesn't matter the devices being use.

How to find a protocol in Wireshark? to find your protocol you would go to the search menu and search whatever protocol you trying to find.

This week week we learned how to capture mac addresses of devices using Wireshark. every device that connects to the internet has a mac address. I leaned that you can not capture a Mac address of a device that is not on your Lan.

TIP: You can filter for ICMP by typing "ICMP" in the Wireshark