OMI - sorensonb/Arctic_codes GitHub Wiki

OMI Codes

These are all the codes used for processing and analyzing the OMI data. Directory:

OMI Data Processing Codes

These codes are used for averaging the raw OMI files into gridded datasets.

NOTE: These scripts are for averaging the binary OMI files into gridded datasets. After "The Crash of January 23, 2020", all the binary OMI files are lost, which means these scripts are obsolete. Unless another script is written to extract single variables from the OMI .he5 files, these scripts are unusable.

  • run_Average_AerosolIndexCalculator
    • Bash script that starts the processing of
    • Main purpose is to call compile_Average_AerosolIndexCalculator.idl
  • compile_Average_AerosolIndexCalculator.idl
    • Compiles and
    • Runs the Run_AI function from ''
    • A sort of IDL 'script' that runs Average_AerosolIndexCalculator
    • Runs the function with a date (YYYYMM)
    • Reads in all OMI binary data files for the year and month specified by YYYYMM. Averages the OMI data for that month into a 1x1 lat/lon degree grid and generates an output file.

OMI Scripts

    • Description.
    • SYNTAX: ./ file_type start_date end_date [key] [trend/pval/climo] [ttype=<standard,thiel-sen>] [season=<season_option>] [save]
      • ftype
        • NXAR = no xtrack all rows
        • XAR = xtrack all rows
        • XR123 = xtrack rows 1-23
      • key (optional)
        • formatted like LATxLON
        • Example: 48x-97
      • ttype : (optional) : standard (default),thiel-sen
      • season: (optional) : spring,summer,autumn,winter
    • Reads in the data file associated with 'ftype' using the readOMI function and then calls plotOMI using the data dictionary.
    • Description
    • Description
    • Description

  • Functions
    • readOMI
      • SYNTAX: OMI_dict = readOMI(inputfile,start_date,end_date,key=None)
        • inputfile: average file containing all the OMI averages (formerly on NPP)
        • start_date: beginning of analysis window (ex: '200101')
        • end_date: ending of analysis window (ex: '201512')
        • key: unknown
      • Read the averaged, gridded, processed OMI data from an average file. These files used to be on NPP before "The Crash of 01/24/2020". Used to be called "omi_monthly_average_AI_xtrack_row023_newData.txt.gz"
    • writeOMI_toNCDF
      • SYNTAX: writeOMI_toNCDF(OMI_dict,minlat=30)
        • OMI_dict: the data dictionary returned from readOMI
      • Writes the contents of the OMI data dictionary to a netCDF file.
    • plotOMI_MK
      • SYNTAX: plotOMI_MK(OMI_dict,start_date,end_date,save=False,file_type='XR123',season='',minlat=30.)
      • Plot trend significance of the OMI data. Trends are calculated using the Mann-Kendall trend significance test. Trend significance p-values are plotted.
    • plotOMI
      • SYNTAX: plotOMI(OMI_dict,start_date,end_date,save=False,trend_type='standard',file_type='XR123',season='',minlat=30.)
      • Plot trends in the OMI data.
      • To use the Thiel-Sen method to find the trends, set argument trend_type to 'thiel-sen'
      • Options for argument 'season' are 'spring','summer','autumn','winter'
    • plotOMI_Climo
      • SYNTAX: plotOMI_Climo(OMI_dict,start_date,end_date,save=False,trend_type='standard',file_type='XR123',season='',minlat=30.)
      • Plot the climatological average of the contents of the OMI dictionary

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