Drawer Attributes - soraphis/NaughtyAttributes GitHub Wiki
Provide special draw options to serialized fields. A field can have only one DrawerAttribute. If a field has more than one, only the bottom one will be used.
The same as Unity's Range attribute. There is no difference between the two, you can use whatever you like, I just wanted to support a custom slider attribute.
A double slider. The min value is saved to the X property, and the max value is saved to the Y property of a Vector2 field.
Provides array type fields with an interface for easy reordering of elements.
A method can be marked as a button. A button appears in the inspector and executes the method if clicked. Works both with instance and static methods.
Provides an interface for dropdown value selection.
A resizable text area where you can see the whole text. Unlike Unity's Multiline and TextArea attributes where you can see only 3 rows of a given text, and in order to see it or modify it you have to manually scroll down to the desired row.
Shows non-serialized fields in the inspector. All non-serialized fields are displayed at the bottom of the inspector before the method buttons. Keep in mind that if you change a non-static non-serialized field in the code - the value in the inspector will be updated after you press Play in the editor. There is no such issue with static non-serialized fields because their values are updated at compile time. It supports only certain types (bool, int, long, float, double, string, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color, Bounds, Rect, UnityEngine.Object).
Shows native C# properties in the inspector. All native properties are displayed at the bottom of the inspector after the non-serialized fields and before the method buttons. It supports only certain types (bool, int, long, float, double, string, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color, Bounds, Rect, UnityEngine.Object).
Makes a field read only.
You can have more than one condition.
Shows the texture preview of a given asset (Sprite, Prefab...)
Override default field label
Enable Tag selection with string field
Can be used to specify when a given serialized field is visible, and when not. A field can have only one DrawConditionAttribute.
You can have more than one condition.
Serialized fields can be grouped in different groups. A field can have only one GroupAttribute. If a field has more than one, only the bottom one will be used.
Surrounds grouped fields with a box.
Used for validating the fields. A field can have infinite number of validator attributes.
Clamps integer and float fields.
Used to remind the developer that a given reference type field is required.
The most powerful ValidatorAttribute.
Give the fields meta data. A field can have infinite number of meta attributes.
Used for providing additional information.
Detects a value change and executes a callback. Keep in mind that the event is detected only when the value is changed from the inspector. If you want a runtime event, you should probably use an event/delegate and subscribe to it.
Lets say you want to implement your own [ReadOnly] attribute.
First you have to create a ReadOnlyAttribute class
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
public class ReadOnlyAttribute : DrawerAttribute
Then you need to create a drawer for that attribute
public class ReadOnlyPropertyDrawer : PropertyDrawer
public override void DrawProperty(SerializedProperty property)
GUI.enabled = false;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, true);
GUI.enabled = true;
Last, in order for the editor to recognize the drawer for this attribute, you have to press the Tools/NaughtyAttributes/Update Attributes Database menu item in the editor.