Vue.js Vita・PS4 notes - sonokonakamura777/javascripttraining GitHub Wiki


  • 19999pxでCSS設定したらVitaが落ちた
  • router-linkでv-on:focus使うときはv-on:focus.nativeにする。
  • router-linkにかぎらずcomponentではnatvieファンクションはnatvieを付けないとだめ。 @focus.native="something= true"
  • DOMがupdateされるとFocusはずれる?
  • Use this.$nextTick(function() {};); to callback after DOM update


  • v-model インプットとアウトプットをバインドしたいときに使う。syntax sugar for

  • v-model doesn’t care about the initial value provided to an input or a textarea. It will always treat the Vue instance data as the source of truth.

  • For languages that require an IME (Chinese, Japanese, Korean etc.), you’ll notice that v-model doesn’t get updated during IME composition. If you want to cater for these updates as well, use input event instead.

  • v-html: raw html.

  • v-once: one-time interpolation. render text only once<span v-once>This will never change: </span>

  • v-bind: one-way binding, a boolean attribute is removed if its value is falsy. . The shorthand is <img :src="imageSrc">

  • v-if: conditional binding, the node is removed if its value is falsy.

  • v-for: loop binding

  • v-on: attaching event listner @click is the shorthand for v-on:click

  • v-model: two-way

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