Dev diary - sonnguyenthai/questionnaire GitHub Wiki

Please add your commit notes here to let others know what you've done. Thanks!

2 Jan 2018 - Alex

  • minor bug fixes
  • Profile page and change password feature
  • minor changes
  • Updated registration[Controller / Form]
  • Auto-login after registration

1 Jan 2018 - Son

  • Public view of survey which lets user can do a survey
  • Survey result view
  • CSV export

31 Dec - Son

  • New adding question view
  • Editing question view
  • Listing question/survey view
  • Adding survey view
  • Deleting question/survey
  • To apply:
$ git pull
$ composer update
$  php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

30 Dec - Alex

  • Updated (and customizable): Homepage / Login Page / Register Page / Confirmation Page
  • User profile page in progress

29 Dec - Son

  • Added new entity 'Respondent'
  • Update your schema (see to apply those changes

29 - Lina


  • Add/Delete a new question
  • View a question (have a problem with the question_type)

Have problems:

  • Update a question
  • View all the questions

26 + 27 Dec - SonNT

  • Generated entities (data models)
  • Added bootstrap theme (sb admin 2)
  • Added development notes in wiki

22 Dec - SonNT

  • Initiated source code
  • Added user management support (login, register, logout)