Troubleshooting - songify-rocks/Songify GitHub Wiki

Songify is not working

  • Make sure you have the latest version of Songify installed.
  • If Songify won't boot at all try deleting the entire folder %localappdata%/Songify.Rocks.

Songify is not showing the song info

  • Make sure your Spotify account is linked to Songify. You can check this in the settings window. Or on the bottom left corner of the main window.

Songify is not showing the song cover

  • Make sure you have enabled the option to download the album cover.

Song requests are not working

Songify uses a lot of CPU when grabbing info from Chrome

  • This is due to the fact, that we have to intercept with the Chrome application to grab tab titles. This is the only way to get the song info. If you want to reduce CPU usage you can try to increase the chrome fetch rate. You can do this in the settings window.

INVALID CLIENT: Failed to get client when trying to link my Spotify account

  • INVALID CLIENT: Failed to get client means that you have not entered the Client ID and Client Secret correctly. Make sure you have copied them correctly and pasted them into the corresponding fields. In doubt, you can try to create a new app on the Spotify Developer Dashboard.

INVALID_CLIENT: Invalid redirect URI when trying to link my Spotify account

  • INVALID_CLIENT: Invalid redirect URI means that you have not added the redirect URI to the app on the Spotify Developer Dashboard. Make sure you have added http://localhost:4002/auth to the Redirect URIs (Click ADD and SAVE, that's important!).