Main Window - songify-rocks/Songify GitHub Wiki


  • File => Brings up this menu
    • Settings => Opens the settings window
    • Widget => Opens our widget website where you can create your own widget
    • Patch Notes => Opens a window to display patch notes
    • Help => Opens the help sub-menu
      • FAQ => Links to our FAQ page
      • Github => Links to our Github
      • Discord => Links to our Discord
      • Log Folder => Opens the folder where log files are saved (appdata/
      • About => Opens a window with some information
    • Exit => Shuts down the app
  • Twitch => Brings up this menu
    • Twitch Login => Opens the website to login with Twitch
    • Connect => Connects the chat bot
    • Disconnect => Disconnects the chat bot
    • Check Online Status => Checks if the stream is live. The PubSub event will not trigger when the stream is already live when Songify starts, so this is a way to check if the stream is live
    • Bot Config => Opens the bot config window
  • Songrequests => Brings up this menu
    • Queue => Opens the queue sub-menu
      • Queue Window => Opens a window that shows the current song queue
      • Queue Browser => Opens a website with the current song queue
      • Clear Queue => Clears the current queue (this does not affect Spotify!)
    • Blocklist => Opens a window where you can block artists and users from doing song requests
  • History => Brings up this menu
    • History Window => Opens a window that shows your listening history (if enabled)
    • History Browser => Opens a website that shows your listening history
  • View => Brings up this menu
    • Console => `Opens a console window that is attached to the main window and shows some logging information
  • Dropdown Menu to the top right => This is used to select which player you want to grab information from

Center area

  • In the middle, you'll see the current playing song as well as the album cover (if enabled)
  • ☕ Buy Us A Coffee => Links to our Ko-Fi


  • The footer will display a number of icons on the lower left which represent the status of services like Twitch Chat / Twitch API / Pubsub / Spotify and web server.
  • In the middle of the bar are some information shown
  • On the right side is the current version and a link to our website.
