5GTANGO Test Library - sonata-nfv/tng-tests GitHub Wiki

The tng-lib is available in Github here

How to use it with robot framework


  • In order to use with Robot, you would have to install the library, and add to your Robot test:
*** Settings ***
Library           tnglib

When you want to use a method, you can write as any other known keyword in Robot Framework. Example:

*** Test Cases ***
Setting the SP Path
    Set SP Path     ${HOST}   # This is a method from tnglib
    ${result} =     Sp Health Check
    Should Be True   ${result}

Global variables:

Building all paths for global use

sp_path = ''
pkg_api = ''
pkg_status_api = ''
request_api = ''
service_descriptor_api = ''
service_instance_api = ''
function_descriptor_api = ''
function_instance_api = ''
sl_templates_api = ''
sl_agreements_api = ''
sl_violations_api = ''
sl_guarantees_api = ''
slice_template_api = ''
slice_instance_api = ''
policy_api = ''
policy_bind_api = ''
test_results_api = ''

SP Available methods:


    """Returns info on all available packages.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a list of 
        dictionaries. Each dictionary contains a package descriptor.
    """Removes all packages from the catalogue.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a list of
        uuids of packages that were removed.
    """Removes one package from the catalogue.
    :param package_uuid: uuid of the package
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a string 
        with either the uuid or an error message.
upload_package(pkg_path, url=False):
    """Uploads a package from file.
    :param pkg_path: relative path to the package that needs uploading, or url
    :param pkg_path: A bool, True if pkg_path is an url
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a string containing
        the uuid of the uploaded package, or an error message.
    """Returns info on a specific package.
    :param package_uuid: the uuid of the package
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a dictionary 
        containing a package descriptor.
    """Return the uuid of a network service based on a package uuid.
    :param package_uuid: the uuid of the package
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a string 
        containing a nsd uuid.


    """Returns info on all requests.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a list of
        dictionaries, each containing a request.
    """Returns info on a specific request.
    :param request_uuid: A string. The uuid of the request.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a dictionary
        containing the request.
service_instantiate(service_uuid, sla_uuid=None):
    """Makes a request to instantiate a service.
    :param service_uuid: A string. The uuid of the service.
    :param sla_uuid: A string (Default value = None). The uuid of the SLA.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a string containing
        the uuid of the instantiated service.
    """Makes a request to terminate a service.
    :param instance_uuid: A string. The uuid of the instance.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a string containing
        the uuid of the terminated instance.
slice_instantiate(slice_template_uuid, name=None, description=None):
    """Makes a request to instantiate a slice.
    :param slice_template_uuid: A string. The uuid of the slice template.
    :param name: A string (Default value = None). A name for the slice 
    :param description: A string (Default value = None). A description 
        for the slice template
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a string containing
        the uuid of the instantiated slice.
    """Makes a request to terminate a slice.
    :param instance_uuid: A string. The uuid of the slice instance.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a string containing
        the uuid of the terminated slice instance.

""" Generic request maker. """


    """Returns info on all available function descriptors.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a list of 
        dictionaries. Each dictionary contains a descriptor.
    """Returns info on a specific function descriptor.
    :param function_descriptor_uuid: uuid of the vnfd.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a dictionary 
        containing the vnfd.
    """Returns info on all available function instances.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a list of 
        dictionaries. Each dictionary contains a vnfr.
    """Returns info on a specific function instance.
    :param function_instance_uuid: uuid of the vnfr.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a dictionary 
        containing a vnfr.


    """Returns info on the ip addresses in a vnfr, per vdu.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a dictionary
              with a key for each VDU. The value is a list of dictionaries.
              Each dictionary has a type key, indicating which type of id,
              and an ip field containing the ip.


create_sla_template(templateName, nsd_uuid, expireDate, guaranteeId):
    """Generates an initial SLA template.
    :param templateName: name for the SLA template. 
    :param nsd_uuid: uuid of the network service.
    :param expireDate: DD/MM/YYYY expiration date.
    :param guaranteeId: id of the SLA guarantee.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a string containing
        the uuid of the created SLA template.
    """Returns info on all available SLA templates.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a list of 
        dictionaries. Each dictionary contains an SLA template.
    """Returns info on all available SLA templates.
    :param sla_uuid: uuid of an SLA template.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a dictionary 
        containing an SLA template.
    """Deletes an SLA template.
    :param sla_template_uuid: uuid of an SLA template.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a string containing
        the uuid of the terminated SLA.
    """Returns info on all available SLA guarantees.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a list of 
        dictionaries. Each dictionary contains an SLA guarantee.
    """Returns info on all available SLA agreements.
    :param nsi_uuid:  (Default value = None) uuid of a service instance.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a list of 
        dictionaries. Each dictionary contains an SLA agreement.
get_detailed_agreement(sla_uuid, nsi_uuid):
    """Returns info on a specific Agreement.
    :param sla_uuid: uuid of an SLA template.
    :param nsi_uuid: uuid of a service instance.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a dictionary
        containing details on a single SLA agreement.
    """Returns info on all SLA violations.
    :param nsi_uuid:  (Default value = None) uuid of a service instance.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a list of 
        SLA violations associated to a service instance.
get_violations_per_nsi_sla(sla_uuid, nsi_uuid):
    """Returns the vaiolations for a specific SLA.
    :param sla_uuid: uuid of SLA template.
    :param nsi_uuid: uuid of network service instance.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a list of 
        SLA violations associated to a service instance and an SLA 


    """Returns info on all available policiy descriptors.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a list of 
        dictionaries. Each dictionary contains a policy descriptor.
    """Returns info on a specific policy descriptor.
    :param policy_uuid: uuid of a policy descriptor.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a dictionary 
        containg a policy descriptor.
    """Uploads a policy descriptor.
    :param path: relative path where policy descriptor is stored.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a string containing
        the uuid of the uploaded policy descriptor.
    """Deletes a policy descriptor.
    :param policy_uuid: uuid of a policy descriptor.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a string containing
        the uuid of the terminated policy descriptor.
attach_policy(policy_uuid, service_uuid, sla_uuid):
    """Attaches a policy to a service and SLA.
    :param policy_uuid: uuid of a policy descriptor.
    :param service_uuid: uuid of a network service.
    :param sla_uuid: uuid of an SLA.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a string indicating
        the result.


    """Returns all the error logs from an specific environment from Graylogs.
    :param from: Timerange start example: "2019-04-25 17:11:01.201".
    :param to: Timerange end example: "2019-04-25 17:26:01.201".
    :param sp_path: Url of the SP. 
    :param file: Boolean to write the logs to file (Default=True).
    :output: File (if param file is True) with the error logs from Graylogs for the sp_path.

VnV Available methods:


    """Returns info on all available tests plans.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a list of
        dictionaries. Each dictionary contains a result.
    """Returns info on a specific test plan.
    :param uuid: uuid of test plan.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a dictionary
        containing a test plan.
    """Returns info on all available tests results.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a list of 
        dictionaries. Each dictionary contains a result.
    """Returns info on a specific test result.
    :param uuid: uuid of test.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a dictionary 
        containing a test.
    """Returns the test_uuid on a specific test result filtering by instance_uuid.
    :returns: A list. [0] is a bool with the result. [1] is a list of
        dictionaries. Each dictionary contains a test_uuid.