SLA Correlations - sonata-nfv/tng-sla-mgmt GitHub Wiki

Correlations between SLA Template, Network Service, License and Deployment Flavor

During the SLA Template Generation, the SLA Manager creates and stores correlations between the generated SLA Template and the corresponding Network Service (NS). The main reason is to keep track of which NS has an associated Template. The ns-template correlations are stored into the SLA Manager's internal PostgreSQL Database, into the table ns_template

  "ns_template": [
      "ns_uuid": "string",
      "sla_uuid": "string",
      "license_type": "string",
      "license_exp_date": "string",
      "allowed_instances": "string",
      "dflavour_name": "string"

Correlations between SLA, Network Service Instance and Customer

During the Network Service Instantiation, if the the process is succesfull, the SLA Manager creates and stores correlations between the instantiated NS, tha Customer and the selected SLA. The selected SLA is the final Agreement between the Operator and the Customer, that defines the bussiness terms that will be monitored, based on metrics, and will be handled accordingly based on the associated policies (if there are any). The ns-custumer-sla correlations are stored into the SLA Manager's internal PostgreSQL Database, into the table cust_sla

  "cust_sla": [
      "ns_uuid": "5d053816-8f85-4dd1-a7ff-2e2265ec1eb2",
      "ns_name": "recursive-sonata",
      "sla_uuid": "5a053814-9khl-4ee3-a7ff-2e2265ec1eb2",
      "sla_name": "Gold",
      "sla_date": "2018-03-22T15:49:46.817+00:00",
      "sla_status": "active",
      "cust_uuid": "3b241101-e2bb-4255-8caf-4136c566a962",
      "cust_username": "3b241101-e2bb-4255-8caf-4136c566a962"

Correlations between SLA, Customer and License

During the Network Service Instantiation, if the the process is succesfull, the SLA Manager creates and stores correlations between the instantiated NS, tha Customer, the selected SLA and the corresponding Licensing Information. The SLA Manager stores the correlations between the end-user (i.e. customer), the corresponding licenses, and the number of successful instantiations, resulting from the successful placement of the service through the MANO Framework.The ns-custumer-sla-license correlations are stored into the SLA Manager's internal PostgreSQL Database, into the table sla_licensing

  "licenses": [
      "sla_uuid": "5d053816-8f85-4dd1-a7ff-2e2265ec1eb2",
      "ns_uuid": "recursive-sonata",
      "nsi_uuid": "5a053814-9khl-4ee3-a7ff-2e2265ec1eb2",
      "cust_username": "Gold",
      "cust_email": "2018-03-22T15:49:46.817+00:00",
      "license_type": "active",
      "license_exp_date": "3b241101-e2bb-4255-8caf-4136c566a962",
      "allowed_instances": "3b241101-e2bb-4255-8caf-4136c566a962",
      "current_instances": "3b241101-e2bb-4255-8caf-4136c566a962",
      "license_status": "3b241101-e2bb-4255-8caf-4136c566a962"