Owamp - sonata-nfv/tng-probes GitHub Wiki

OWAMP (one-way active measurement protocol) to Prometheus

OWAMP needs to be installed on both hosts taking part in the measurement. The owamp-prometheus-exporter should be installed at the destination host. From there when run, the source host of the one-way-ping can be chosen as an argument.

  • Configure apt (as user “root”):

    wget -P /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ http://downloads.perfsonar.net/debian/perfsonar-jessie-release.list wget -qO - http://downloads.perfsonar.net/debian/perfsonar-debian-official.gpg.key | apt-key add -

  • Install perfsonar suite, which includes owampd and then run the “install-optional-packages.py” script :

    apt update

    apt install perfsonar-tools

  • Clone the repository

    git clone

  • Install dependencies with pip (using virtual environment is recommended)

    cd owamp-prometheus-exporter

  • Run the exporter:

    python3 main.py {SOURCE_HOST_IP}

    SOURCE_HOST_IP should be an IP whose host has the package “perfsonar-tools” installed.

  • Setup Prometheus to monitor the owamp exporter

    In “scrape_config” field add the following:

    - job_name: 'owamp' scrape_interval: 10s scrape_timeout: 10 static_configs: - targets: [''] # IP and PORT where owamp-prometheus-exporter is exposed

  • Reload Prometheus (or kill -H {pid}):

    systemctl reload prometheus

  • Log rotation not currently implemented, you can use this ron:

    /usr/bin/find /path/to/owamp-prometheus-exporter/powstream_log_dir -mmin +5 ! -name .powlock -delete