Combinatorial Surfaces - solsarratea/discrete-differential-geom GitHub Wiki

Combinatorial Surfaces

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.


  • shapes are manifolds idea: looks like Rn up close
  • around any point you can find neighbourhood that is a topological disk


  • Convex set: for every p,q points in S the line segment between p and q in S.

  • Convex set hull (s): intersection of all convex sets containing S

  • Simplex: k-simplex is the convex hull of k+1 affinely-independent points (vertices)

  • Face: vertices are a subset of vertices of simplex

  • Simplicial Complex: “ bunch of simplices”key concept: recursive data structure

    • Definition: collection of simplicies where:
      • the intersection of any 2 simplicies is a simplex
      • every face of every simplex in the complex is also in the complex
  • Abstract Simplicial Complex: idea: specifies how vertices are connected, but not where they are in space.

  • K-simplicies: set of k-1 vertices connected

  • Face: subset of simplicial

  • Proper face: strict inclusion

  • Oriented k-simplex: ordered tuple, up to even permutation. (even +, odd -)

  • Relative orientation: 2 maximal faces in their intersection have same/diff orientation