MVP List - solracdelsol/Distro GitHub Wiki

MVP List

  1. Hosting on Heroku
  2. Create Account feature, User Login, and demo-Login
    • Users can sign up, sign in, and sign out of Strife.
  3. Servers (2 days hopefully)
    • Users can create and host servers for group chatting.
  4. Channels with Servers
    • Users will be able to create channels within their servers for sub-topics/discussion.
  5. Live Chat
    • Users will be able to text chat in real-time with their friends.
  6. Private Server Direct Messaging
    • Users will be able to message their friends individually instead of having to host group servers.
  7. Add Friend/ Friends List feature
    • Users will be able to add their friends to their friends to their Friend List by searching for their username.
  8. Production ReadMe