[Legacy] manual Solidus release instructions - solidusio/solidus GitHub Wiki

Manual releasing

Release a new Major version

The technical steps to release a new Major version are:

  • Change the deprecation horizon to the next Major.
  • Follow all the steps of the Minor version 👇

Release a new Minor version

Let's say the latest version on master is 2.9.0.alpha, and we want to release a new 2.9.0 version. ​ These are the steps required for the release to happen: ​

Make sure CHANGELOG.md is up to date

​ Our CHANGELOG is where all the major changes are listed. It's a great resource for developers who want to update their store since they can walk through it and understand if changes can impact their stores. Take a look at the current CHANGELOG to better understand how to update it. ​ A fast way to generate a CHANGELOG is via github_fast_changelog. For example, the commands to create the 2.9 changelog before the release should be: ​

gem install github_fast_changelog
git rev-list v2.8...master | github_fast_changelog solidusio/solidus > CHANGELOG_2.9.md

​ Now we can adjust the file format to match the main CHANGELOG.md. ​

Run the gem release command

​ We can use gem-release to automate the release here. ​ From the master branch, you can run: ​

gem bump -v 2.9.0

Also, update the app service version in docker-compose.yml to solidus-2.9.0.

Then, run:

git commit -am 'Bump version and update Changelog'

You can now create a PR with the changes. Once it's merged:

git pull upstream master
git checkout -b v2.9

# Point the Solidus Installer to the right Starter Frontend version (as done in [#4898](https://github.com/solidusio/solidus/pull/4898)).
# and create a commit 

git tag v2.9
git push --follow-tags --set-upstream upstream v2.9

We can now release the new version to RubyGems.

gem release

Create a GH release

​ Now you can go on GH and create a release into: ​ https://github.com/solidusio/solidus/releases

Prepare master for the next version:

Update gemspecs version

In the master branch let's start a 2.10.0.dev. ​ Open core/lib/spree/core/version.rb file and change from: ​

def self.solidus_version

​ to: ​

def self.solidus_version

Also, update the version returned in the .previous_solidus_minor_version method to 2.10, and the one in docker-compose.yml to 2.10.0.dev. ​

Steps outside of the repository

Publish detailed upgrade instructions on our guides (example PR).

Solidus starter frontend

CircleCI Extension Builds

​ Update https://github.com/solidusio/circleci-orbs-extensions for extensions that use the new CircleCI Orb. ​

Solidus Website

​ Also, in the Solidus main website repository add the new version in https://github.com/solidusio/solidus-site/blob/1a6a7386d7ca85400be31bfe38f903da84844bb2/data/versions.yml.

This will change the supported versions at: ​

Example App (for the Heroku button)

cd ..                               # Go up one dir relative to the solidus repo.
export UPDATE_EXAMPLE_APP_REPO=true # Enable the automatic push to GitHub.
test -d solidus-example-app && \    # If it's not the first time the app is generated
  rm -rf solidus-example-app        # we should remove it to start clean.
# Start the generator script that will generate the app 
# inside ./solidus-example-app and push it to GitHub.

Notify the community

Post on RubyFlow

Post an update on RubyFlow to be published on RubyWeekly. ​

Update API documentation

We need to start generating the API documentation for the new unreleased version in Spotlight. Go to https://next.stoplight.io/, log in or sign up and ask some other core team member for permissions.

You should now:

  1. Release the API version corresponding to the version just released (2.9 in the example above);
  2. Create a new version corresponding to the new unreleased version (2.10 in the example above);

Update guides version

At this point we should create a new version with docusaurus of the guides, pointing the main one to the last version released.

Release a new Patch version

Suppose the latest 2.6.x is 2.6.0, and we want to release a new 2.6.1 version.


  • Make sure you update the Changelog. If the fix comes from private forks on a Github security advisory, you'll have to add those entries manually, as they don't come from regular PRs.

​- Run:

git checkout v2.6
gem bump -v patch --tag --push --remote upstream
gem release
  • Update the current version to the next .dev one and push the changes.

Create a GitHub release

​ Now you can go on GitHub and create a release into: ​ https://github.com/solidusio/solidus/releases