Project setup - solargis/cdk-workshop GitHub Wiki


Environment setup

Install AWS CDK

npm install -g aws-cdk

Verify install: cdk --version should return something like 1.13.1 (build 96cfc63)

Setup AWS credentials

Save provided AWS credentials to file (homedir): ~/.aws/credentials

aws_access_key_id = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
region = eu-central-1

To use AWS profile - prefix all cdk commands with AWS_PROFILE=[myprofile] e.g. AWS_PROFILE=sandbox cdk ls --profile [myprofile] option will not work in this workshop setup

To use own AWS account - launch cdk bootstrap command first, to initialize CDK resources in the AWS. It takes few minutes to complete. This is already done in the provided account.

Checkout project repository

Checkout project repository with empty CDK project:

git clone
cd cdk-workshop

Install npm dependencies:

npm install

Alternatively, download and extract archive

Initial repository content:

./cdk/cdk-workshop.ts       - CDK entry point, defines CDK application and stacks
./cdk/cdk-workshop-stack.ts - CDK stack definition, we will define cloud infrastructure here
./cdk.json                  - basic CDK configuration, link to CDK entry point
./package.json              - node package config, we will add dependencies and scripts here
./tsconfig.json             - TypeScript configuration for CDK code

Initial repository was created with following steps:

  • mkdir cdk-workshopcd cdk-workshop
  • cdk init app --language=typescript
  • moved CDK code from ./bin and ./lib to ./cdk
  • standardized ES6 imports
  • removed tests and not relevant code

Run CDK commands:

  • cdk ls - list stacks in current CDK application
  • cdk synth - synthetize CloudFormation stack template
  • cdk diff - show changes between deployed CloudFormation stack and current stack in CDK code

Deploy initial stack into AWS

cdk deploy
  • Navigate to AWS Console:
  • Sign in with username userXY and password userXYuserXY
  • Ensure region is switched to EU (Frankfurt)

    region switch is located in the header on the right side

  • Navigate to Services > CloudFormation and check stack creation status

Next Step 1: Simple web