09 Development Notes - sogladev/mod-vanilla-naxxramas GitHub Wiki

Unstructured notes I write while writing this module, may contain some useful information for development

TODO/Issues list

Some shared issues https://github.com/ZhengPeiRu21/mod-individual-progression/issues/70

More todo:

  • (waiting upstream) Gothik adjustments
  • (missing info) Doom Touched Warrior, missing smartAI, casts dazed?
  • (missing info) Dark Touched Warrior, smartAI casts whirlwind, should only cast dazed?
  • (missing info) Death Touched Warrior, missing smartAI, should drop threat?
  • (missing info) Risen Deathknight, missing smartAI, casts dazed?
  • (low prio) Loatheb: Deathbloom needs to do 200 dps after 6 seconds instead of 200/6 per second for 6 seconds, use aura tick == 6

potential upstream/acore fixes:

  • Heigan's backroom Eye Stalk don't evade/reset. Stuck in combat
  • Thaddius is stuck in position and does not move
  • Bombard Slime spell position is not random. Pos is pulled form spell_location template. Not present in acore, in VMangos/TC/CMangos from what I see
  • Razuvious' Death Knight Understudy should switch between AttackReady (333) and Attack (36), out of combat RP missing
  • Horsemen conversation after Gothik + fight voicelines https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Four_Horsemen_(tactics)#Conversation
  • Bosses introductions/Roleplay missing. VMangos
  • Relinquery of Souls / Eye Stalk use OOC submerge spell // 28819 - Submerge Visual
  • Lightning Totem does not aggro properly?
  • (pr #18807) 4 horsemen, Blaeumeux summons a Void Zone that periodically (every 1s) triggers Consumption (28865) which deals AoE damage. A spell script decides hardcoded damage based on difficulty. Proper spells should be used instead. spell_four_horsemen_consumption with hardcoded damage that ignore defensives. Should use proper IDs
  • (waiting upstream, needs confirmation) Once all wings are cleared, should teleport straight to Sapphiron without being able to go back down.

Heigan 29273 teleport spell_target wrong https://github.com/cmangos/mangos-classic/blob/8a569a946ce367efa29b0cef098f7af6c45d27d6/src/game/AI/ScriptDevAI/scripts/eastern_kingdoms/naxxramas/boss_heigan.cpp#L64

Client side patch:

  • 4H, needs client patch for mograine mark
  • Loatheb: Deathbloom -> Poison Aura icon. needs custom patch
  • Sapphiron: amplitude frost aura reduced to 2s->1s and half damage (dps is same as naxx10)
  • Blaumeux: void zone range 2yd -> 3yd
  • Naxx40 Achievements
  • (optional) Restore Plaguewood Portal Hub

Bosses Spider

  • Anub
  • Fearlina
  • (revisit on upstream changes) Maexxna vanilla web wrap, using less buggy web wrap. Does not stun mid-air
  • (revisit on upstream changes) Maexxna vanilla web wrap, use pull-effect spells to stun mid-air
  • Maexxna: Thrash (double attack) spell missing Construct
  • Patchwerk
  • Grobullus
  • Gluth
  • Thaddius
  • Living Poison aka Frogger before Naxx is missing in lvl 60 instance
  • Grobbulus: slime spray damage adjusted
  • Grobbulus: poison cloud damage reduce damage properly
  • Grobbulus: debuff explosion damage adjusted -[x] Grobbulus: poison cloud damage, damage reduced by lowering ticktime
  • Grobullus: Poison damage by Poison Cloud ~3k to ~1k
  • Gluth: enrage increased, icon not updated (requires custom spell+client patch)
  • Thaddius: room Tesla shock reduced damage
  • Thaddius: mark damage from 4500 to 2000
  • Thaddius: lightning ball (wipe mechanic) adjusted
  • Feugen: Power burn 500 every 3 seconds. - [x] Feugen: Power burn is missing nature visual effect, requires custom spell Military Quarter
  • Razuvious DK Understudy. has 2, needs 4
  • Razuvious: remove throwing knife mechaniac
  • Razuvious: reduce damage, range (45yd) of shout. Does not drain mana and ignores LoS. Needs client patch
  • Horsemen: damage adjusted
  • Horsemen: Blaumeux+Zeliek enable move
  • Horsemen: no pathing on pull
  • Horsemen: on dead spawn spirit that continues casting marks https://youtu.be/P-EvInoC7ss?si=cGt-IPv08nAt1Qyo&t=489
  • Horsemen: shield wall
  • Horsemen: hit by mark reduces aggro by 50%
  • Blaumeux: Void Zone casts Consumption (28865). Should do 4k damage. Range 2-3 requires custom patch
  • Blaumeux+Zeliek: Remove Punish spells for not being in range Plague Quarter
  • Noth: curse range adjusted, number of curses, faster curses
  • Noth: curse damage reduced, range increased
  • Heigan: fever dot 3k -> 500
  • Heigan: Poison Cloud, (AoE when he teleports), damage reduced to 500
  • Heigan: Reduce damage from eruption
  • Heigan: Adjust Eruption calc so it no longer uses SetHitDamage(damage) which ignores defensive CDs
  • Heigan: disruption should be power burn
  • Heigan: should tp players to room
  • Heigan: should tp players to room, update gate logic
  • Heigan: should despawn stalks when dead
  • Heigan: should kill players in the room when dance happens
  • Loatheb: Deathbloom damage reduced to 33dps for 6 sec instead of 200dps
  • Loatheb: Spores +50% to +60% caster crit Frost Wing
  • Sapphiron: Frost Aura tick timer reduced 2s->1s and damage reduced by half, needs custom patch
  • Sapphiron: Life Drain damage reduced from ~2.5k to ~2k
  • Sapphiron: (unchanged) Tail Swipe similar damage
  • Sapphiron: Cast Custom Chill, less damage and more speed reduction, 4k to 3.5k, increased speed reduction -50 to -66
  • Kel'Thuzad: (unchanged) Abomination, same %healing reduction, damage is similar
  • Kel'Thuzad: (unchanged) Soul Weaver, same damage
  • Kel'Thuzad: Skeleton/Soldier, reduced damage Dark Blast ~3.5k to ~2k
  • Kel'Thuzad: (unchanged) Guardian, damage similar

Trash Plague Quarter

  • Plagued Ghoul - missing smartAI say texts
  • Infectious Ghoul: damage unchanged, updated rend, update frenzy
  • Plague Slime: unchanged
  • Mutaged Grub, reduce aoe dmg ~400 -> ~200
  • Frenzied Bat, update frenzy id
  • Plagued Bat, update IC timings
  • Plague Beast, smartAI trample
  • Eye Stalk, smartAI reduce damage, movement speed reduction is less
  • Eye Stalk, smartAI missing OOC rp and birth animation

Military Quarter

  • Necro Knight, has smartAI (see Necro Knight Guardian)
  • Unholy Staff Arcane Explosion, damage is similar (~2k) but range is 45yd instead of 20yd. Requires spellscript to reduce radius
  • Horse mounts from trash before Razuvious are lvl 80
  • Death Knight Captain, updated smartAI to cast whirlwind/stun
  • Plagued Gargoyle, smartAI
  • Unholy swords, looks the same
  • Infectious Ghoul: missing low hp text in smartAI
  • Unholy Axe, looks the same
  • Death Lord, add smartAI
  • Deathknight, update smartAI
  • Skeletal Smith, update SmartAI
  • Bony Construct, update smartAI
  • Spirit of Naxxramas, update smartAI reduce shadow bolt damage from 2.2k to 1.8k
  • Skeletal Steed, smartAI add trample and intercept

Construct Quarter

  • Sewage Slime, disease cloud 28153. Ticks for 600 instead of 300. Trigger spell requires spellscript HandleDamage

  • Sewage Slime, slime that spawns from Grobulus are lvl 80

  • Pathwerk Trash (see below): awkward pathing with formations?

  • Bile Retcher 351022 - 27807 Bile Vomit - ~5k instant, ~1200 dot to ~1500 instant, 250 dot

  • Patchwork Golem - cleave based on weapon damage instead of raw damage in classic. Requires custom patch

  • Embalming Slime - same AoE damage, unchanged

  • Mad Scientist - Heal, reduced from ~20% hp to ~10% hp. Vanilla is raw ~3k

  • Mad Scientist - Mana Burn ~3.5k to ~1.5k

  • Surgical Assitant - Mind Flay damage from 1.5k to 600 per tick

  • Living Monstrosity - Chain Lightning damage from ~4k to ~1k. (Chain Lightning should 3 to 10. Range 45 to 30, requires custom script)

  • Living Monstrosity - Summon lvl 62 Lightning Totem

  • Lightning Totem - lvl62 - Shock damage ~3k to ~2k

  • Stitched Spewer - unchanged, weapon damage instead of raw 2k dmg

  • Toxic Tunnel - unchanged, damage should be 300->200. Triggered spell 28369. Requires custom patch

  • Necropolis Acolyte - add smartAI, Casts Shadow Bolt Volley and Arcane Explosion

  • Plagued Ghoul - 351078, add smartAI

  • Deathknight Vindicator, add smartAI

  • Razuvious, removed knife throw mechanic, disrupting shout adjusted to 45yd and less damage. No power burn without client patch or remove animation

  • Issue Bony Construct patrol/creature_formation guid 3612410 VMangos/CMangos show 5 points. No waypoints. 3 mobs wander with 15yd, 2 path https://youtu.be/4UTQFrMRk5c?si=ye3fIhp7pg88f03C&t=5222 classic shows 4+2 pathing ACore 25 shows 4+2 pathing

  • Issue Patchwerk Trash: Creature formations of patchwork golems. Awkward pathing Removed wandering from non-leader, but does not look correct (361229, 361227, 10.8064, 306.6246666000065, 515, 0, 0), (361229, 361228, 7.08383, 261.72081828001365, 515, 0, 0), (361229, 361246, 6.33888, 349.3644533277902, 515, 0, 0),

https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/blob/e0e1b6a4098badb6f48ba1d5cb1cc1739e310959/src/server/scripts/Northrend/Naxxramas/boss_four_horsemen.cpp#L65 28863, 57463 summons 16697 values 3000,4500 for 10M/25M

1 second timer, casts spell 28865 (28865, 'spell_four_horsemen_consumption') void HandleDamageCalc(SpellEffIndex /*effIndex*/) { uint32 damage = GetCaster()->GetMap()->ToInstanceMap()->GetDifficulty() == REGULAR_DIFFICULTY ? 2750 : 4250; SetHitDamage(damage); }

Boss - summonspell - effect2 dummy bp
Netherspite  - 37063 - 1110
Blaumeux 10M - 28863 - 2999
Blaumeux 25M - 57463 - 4499

acore :Summon Void zone - Netherspite 37063 summons 16697 which triggers 28865 trinitycore :Summon Void zone - Netherspite 37063 summons 16697

Confusion as in: 1.12 aura 28867 which applied 28865 naxx40

Summon Void zone - Netherspite 37063 summons Void Zone (16697) - Void zone which casts Consumption (28865) which damage calculated by 4 horsemen script with a SetHitDamage() to be 4250/2750 for 25M/10M

Trinitycore 4H: https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/blob/e0e1b6a4098badb6f48ba1d5cb1cc1739e310959/src/server/scripts/Northrend/Naxxramas/boss_four_horsemen.cpp#L65

Netherspite: Void Zone (16697) casts Void Zone Effect (46264) deals 3000 dmg https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/blob/e0e1b6a4098badb6f48ba1d5cb1cc1739e310959/sql/old/3.1.3/05031_world_scripts_netherspite.sql#L7

Auto updater

Auto updater. Naxx40 refers to sql prefix Needs updated if adding scourge event

                LoginDatabase.Query("DELETE FROM updates WHERE name LIKE '%test_object%'");

GM commands to help test

attunement - reputation honored - complete quest

.mod reputation 529 10000
.go creature 54192
.quest complete 9121

teleport to naxx entrance inside strat

.go xyz 3960 -3392 121 329

tp to teleporter

.go gameobject 45907


.go xyz 2578.84 -3009 241.5 533

tp Sapphiron

.go c 361338

reset instance

.instance unbind all

10man HC

/script SetRaidDifficulty(4)

go Thaddius

.go c 130957

4H door

.gobject activate 65753
.go c 130961


.go c 128135

Naxx cauldron

.go xyz 3124 -3732 134

(outdated) V2 devlog / notes

Implement changes inspired by Zhen's IndividualProgression mod

  • Removed autobalancer
  • leave Naxx10/25 untouched, instead use unused heroic 10man difficulty
  • Instance/boss has their own script allowing for naxx40 mechanics

IndividualProgression has made some fixes/improvement that I like to these v1. Some changes I can highlight

  • Entrance script improved
  • Beta entrance in Strat. Must enter once through Strat with attunement quest completed

(outdated) V1 Dev notes below regarding data/implementation details

A muted video (WIP). See more details below https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/74299960/183513127-17bd96f6-fac9-44a2-be0c-d2eacf6ec15e.mp4

Scaling lvl80 Naxx25 to lvl60 Naxx25


  • Allow lvl 60 to enter
  • Add floating and pathing Naxxramas in Plaguewood
  • Exit portals TP to EPL
  • Scale instance with autobalancer (can be tuned easily)
  • Naxx25 mechanics
  • Change graveyard to EPL
  • Add summoning stone to EPL
  • Add Teleport gameobject in EPL
  • Integrate scaling script in this repo (v1.2.2-clean-up-old-code from mod-autobalance-naxx25-60
  • Add enter spell (ID: 29296) when entering Naxx (improve: need to overwrite instance OnPlayerEntered)
  • Add Attunement quest requirement (only to TP orb and boss->start tp)
  • Add quests to turn in T3 tokens
  • Update Echoes of War (adjust kill count)
  • Update Boss Loot to lvl60 (+verify with CMangos)
  • Make Phylactery quest completable
  • Add frost resistance quests from Crafsman Wilhelm
  • Update Trash Loot to lvl60
  • Update Trash gold drops to lvl60
  • Add Omarion (frost resistance trainer) script
  • Add Frozen Rune game objects
  • Add frost resistance anvil (gobject) BS Craft requirement (already existed)
  • Add Archmage Tarsis Kir-Moldir incl. RP event Frame of Atiesh
  • Scourge event
  • Add map edit teleporter to EPL
  • Add custom map to put NPCs in (seperate map than 533)
  • Accurate Naxx40 mechanics

floating naxx 25 pathing plaguewood



25man mechanics (using 25man map) raz Exit portal to EPl


transporter naxx object


transporter naxx object2


Chest loot


Thaddius loot


trash loot


Frozen runes

frozen_runes omarion


anvil craft craft_requirement



Naxx Fixes

I put fixes in fixes-*.sql

PR has been merged, fixes-sql has been removed

-- .go xyz 3668 -1262 310 (with .gm fly on)
-- 4 orbs naxx25, naxx orb visible 11:03, tp location to sapphiron 31:40
-- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIwKLtcbdq0
-- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Th3zKT4Tas
-- each wing casts (spellID: 28444) Portal Effect: Deathknight Wing
-- Portal after each boss portals  should to blue zone and then auto portal to sapphiron
-- Current: TPs next to portals
-- Expected: TPs to blue circle
-- Current: TPs to blue circle
-- Expected: TPs next to portals
-- Current: TPs next to portals
-- Expected: TPs to Sapphiron

This fixes overlapping portals inside and outside Naxxramas. Their rotation is also corrected (from CCW to CW). The post-boss Naxxramas portals now teleport to the blue hub portal and activate only when all wings are cleared. This requirement can be bypassed with the orbs, which are now correctly casting their respective sapphiron entry/exit spells in addition to having the correct position.

Summary of multiple approaches to scaling

1 Select and Update ❌

Scale level and hp to appropriate level with SELECT and UPDATE statements


CONS: Data value of spells is not changed

2 Autobalancer ✅

Set scaling with autobalancer script. Only autobalance creatures in Naxxramas (mapID: 533)


Scales all damage and can be tuned with global modifiers

EZ to tune with config

AutoBalance.rate.global = 1.0
AutoBalance.rate.health = 1.0
AutoBalance.rate.mana   = 1.0
AutoBalance.rate.armor  = 1.0
AutoBalance.rate.damage = 1.0


Hooks apply to all maps and creatures. Applies scaling of 1.0f to 99.99% of all combat interactions. Not 100% blizzlike, No updated EPL map to allow teleporting and ghost running. No naxx40 mechanics

3 Dump and Scale ❔

Use data from autobalancer to scale only Naxx25 mobs.

  1. dump out all the stats set by autobalancer
  2. apply scaling script only to creatures in Naxx.

PROS: Low overhead scaling, Allows blizzlike lvl 60 Naxx mechanics, NPCs and maps (Naxx+EPL)


some data of Naxx25

Select non-bosses

select spawned on map 533

SELECT DISTINCT creature_template.entry, creature_template.difficulty_entry_1, creature_template.name FROM creature_template, creature WHERE creature_template.rank != 3 AND creature.map = 533 AND creature_template.entry = acore_world.creature.id1 AND creature_template.minlevel > 21;
entry difficulty_entry_1 name
15974 29242 Dread Creeper
15975 29241 Carrion Spinner
15976 29243 Venom Stalker
15977 29229 Poisonous Skitterer
15978 30389 Crypt Reaver
15979 29286 Tomb Horror
15980 29247 Naxxramas Cultist
15981 29248 Naxxramas Acolyte
16017 29347 Patchwork Golem
16018 29353 Bile Retcher
16020 29362 Mad Scientist
16021 29359 Living Monstrosity
16022 29363 Surgical Assistant
16024 29355 Embalming Slime
16025 29371 Stitched Giant
16029 29356 Sludge Belcher
16034 29609 Plague Beast
16036 29608 Frenzied Bat
16037 29603 Plagued Bat
16056 29612 Diseased Maggot
16057 31542 Rotting Maggot
16067 29852 Deathcharger Steed
16082 0 Naxxramas Trigger
16145 29824 Death Knight Captain
16146 29823 Death Knight
16154 29831 Risen Squire
16156 29833 Dark Touched Warrior
16163 29842 Death Knight Cavalier
16164 29825 Shade of Naxxramas
16165 29828 Necro Knight
16167 29835 Bony Construct
16168 29576 Stoneskin Gargoyle
16193 29837 Skeletal Smith
16194 29898 Unholy Axe
16215 29899 Unholy Staff
16216 29900 Unholy Swords
16236 29613 Eye Stalk
16243 29575 Plague Slime
16244 29574 Infectious Ghoul
16297 29601 Mutated Grub
16400 0 Toxic Tunnel
16447 30097 Plagued Ghoul
16980 0 The Lich King
29912 0 Obedience Crystal
30071 30075 Stitched Colossus
30083 30424 Marauding Geist
30085 30087 Vigilant Shade

select present but not set in map 533

SELECT DISTINCT creature_template.entry, creature_template.difficulty_entry_1, creature_template.name FROM creature_template, creature WHERE creature_template.entry IN (16803, 16505, 16506, 17055, 16027, 16290, 16360, 16981, 16982, 16983, 16984, 16286, 23561, 23562, 23563, 16441, 16124, 16125, 16126, 16127, 16148, 16149, 16150, 16573, 16698);
entry difficulty_entry_1 name
16027 0 Living Poison
16573 29256 Crypt Guard
16698 29267 Corpse Scarab
16505 29273 Naxxramas Follower
16506 29274 Naxxramas Worshipper
17055 29279 Maexxna Spiderling
16290 29388 Fallout Slime
16984 29632 Plagued Warrior
16983 29633 Plagued Champion
16981 29634 Plagued Guardian
16982 29635 Plagued Construct
16803 29941 Death Knight Understudy
16125 29985 Unrelenting Death Knight
16126 29986 Unrelenting Rider
16124 29987 Unrelenting Trainee
16150 29988 Spectral Rider
16149 29989 Spectral Horse
16148 29990 Spectral Death Knight
23561 30016 Soldier of the Frozen Wastes
23563 30047 Soul Weaver
23562 30049 Unstoppable Abomination
16441 30057 Guardian of Icecrown
16286 30068 Spore
16127 30264 Spectral Trainee
16360 30303 Zombie Chow

difficulty_entry_1 of non-bosses

(29356, 29824, 29823, 29831, 29833, 29842, 29825, 29828, 29835, 29576, 30097, 29837, 29898, 29899, 29900, 29242, 29241, 29243, 29229, 30389, 29286, 29247, 29613, 29248, 29575, 29574, 30075, 30087, 29347, 29353, 29362, 29359, 29363, 29355, 29371, 29609, 29608, 29603, 29601, 29612, 31542, 29852, 30424)

difficulty_entry_1 of non-bosses that are spawned

(30047, 30049, 30016, 29279, 29632, 29633, 29635, 29634, 29941, 29267, 29256, 29274, 29273, 30057, 30303, 29388, 30068, 29988, 29989, 29990, 30264, 29986, 29985, 29987)

NPC Missing 16381 Archmage Tarsis Kir-Moldir dialogue


NPC Missing 16365 Master Craftsman Omarion Inside cage in DK wing level 300 BS and revered AD levle 300 Tailor levle 300 leatherworking

Omarion will teach players crafting recipes, depending on their crafting profession and reputation with Argent Down:
Tailoring Revered:
- Glacial Wrists
- Glacial Gloves
Tailoring Exalted:
- Glacial Vest
- Glacial Cloak
Leatherworking Revered
- Polar Bracers
- Polar Gloves
- Icy Scale Bracers
- Icy Scale Gauntlets
Leatherworking Exalted
- Polar Tunic
- Icy Scale Breastplate
Blacksmithing Revered
- Icebane Bracers
- Icebane Gauntlets
Blacksmithing Exalted
- Icebane Breastplate

Omarion's Handbook, Craftsman Wilhelm craft quest 9233 craft items + 200-300g

Frost Resistance quests depend on: reputation with AD, class and completion 9033 echoes of war

See VMangos implementation of Gossip Omarion script https://github.com/vmangos/core/blob/792c3733c1d1a1766fddbf4b654f0de4cac4325d/src/scripts/eastern_kingdoms/eastern_plaguelands/naxxramas/instance_naxxramas.cpp

ingame (private server footage) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgI2AMHMYe8

can implement based on 14338

horde tailor .go c 26623 .setskill 197 225 225 blacksmith .setskill 164 225 225 .go c 26618 Leatherwork .go c 26626 .setskill 165 225 225

.mod reputation 529 10000

implementing menu with SmartAI

  • giving book to non crafters
  • show master crafter option to master crafters
  • show recipes based on reputation
  • teaching recipe
  • /spit and close menu when not high enough skill or rep

Need to use a cpp script instead as the gossip is too complicated

Trash Loot

Grab list of IDs wowhead -> check if drop loot split in loot, noloot, spiderloot, scraps verify with VMangos and CMangos DB

Mobs found in Naxx40 by ID according to classic.wowhead --loot 16025 16451 16021 16452 16368 16018 16167 16156 16158 16145 16163 16157 16244 16020 15981 16506 16165 16448 16446 16447 16154 16164 16193 16067 16449 16168 16194 16215 16216 15980 16505 16017 16022 16803

--loot and spider 15974 16453 15979 15976 15975 15978

--loot only scraps 16243 16034

--noloot 16982 14881 16030 16068 16998 16486 16124 16286 17055 16698 16360 16428 16429 16427 16375 16057 16441 16037 16036 16290 16024 16056 15977 16125 16390 16981 16984 16983 16297 16236 16146 16861 16573 16148 16149 16150 16127 16029 16126 16142

Mobs that should not drop loot

(16982, 14881, 16030, 16068, 16998, 16486, 16124, 16286, 17055, 16698, 16360, 16428, 16429, 16427, 16375, 16057, 16441, 16037, 16036, 16290, 16024, 16056, 15977, 16125, 16390, 16981, 16984, 16983, 16297, 16236, 16146, 16861, 16573, 16148, 16149, 16150, 16127, 16029, 16126, 16142)

CMangos verify: 16029 sludge belcher has only 1% loot, everything else no loot

Check ACore 25man mobs Select non-bosses that are not in the list non-loot and that are not in the drop loot list

SELECT DISTINCT creature_template.entry, creature_template.difficulty_entry_1, creature_template.name FROM creature_template, creature WHERE creature_template.rank != 3 AND creature.map = 533 AND creature_template.entry = acore_world.creature.id1 AND creature_template.minlevel > 21
AND creature_template.entry NOT IN (16982, 14881, 16030, 16068, 16998, 16486, 16124, 16286, 17055, 16698, 16360, 16428, 16429, 16427, 16375, 16057, 16441, 16037, 16036, 16290, 16024, 16056, 15977, 16125, 16390, 16981, 16984, 16983, 16297, 16236, 16146, 16861, 16573, 16148, 16149, 16150, 16127, 16029, 16126, 16142)
AND creature_template.entry NOT IN
(16025, 16451, 16021, 16452, 16368, 16018, 16167, 16156, 16158, 16145, 16163, 16157, 16244, 16020, 15981, 16506, 16165, 16448, 16446, 16447, 16154, 16164, 16193, 16067, 16449, 16168, 16194, 16215, 16216, 15980, 16505, 16017, 16022, 16803);
16400	0	Toxic Tunnel
15974	29242	Dread Creeper lootspider
15975	29241	Carrion Spinner  lootspider
15976	29243	Venom Stalker lootspider
15978	30389	Crypt Reaver lootspider
15979	29286	Tomb Horror loot
16243	29575	Plague Slime loot
30071	30075	Stitched Colossus noloot
30085	30087	Vigilant Shade noloot
16034	29609	Plague Beast noloot
29912	0	Obedience Crystal
16980	0	The Lich King
16082	0	Naxxramas Trigger
30083	30424	Marauding Geist loot

Manually judge new NPCs: lootspider

(15974, 15975, 15976, 15978)


(15979, 16243, 30083)


(30085, 30071)

Create Markdown tables of ACore DB

select entry, difficulty_entry_1, name, lootid, skinloot, pickpocketloot  from creature_template where
entry  IN (...)

Mobs that drop loot

(16025, 16451, 16021, 16452, 16368, 16018, 16167, 16156, 16158, 16145, 16163,
16157, 16244, 16020, 15981, 16506, 16165, 16448, 16446, 16447, 16154, 16164,
16193, 16067, 16449, 16168, 16194, 16215, 16216, 15980, 16505, 16017, 16022,
16803, 30083, 30085, 30071)

Mobs that DROP LOOT

entry difficulty_entry_1 name lootid skinloot pickpocketloot
15980 29247 Naxxramas Cultist 100003 0 0
15981 29248 Naxxramas Acolyte 100003 0 0
16017 29347 Patchwork Golem 100003 0 0
16018 29353 Bile Retcher 100003 0 0
16020 29362 Mad Scientist 100003 0 0
16021 29359 Living Monstrosity 100003 0 0
16022 29363 Surgical Assistant 100003 0 0
16025 29371 Stitched Giant 100003 0 0
16067 29852 Deathcharger Steed 100003 0 0
16145 29824 Death Knight Captain 100003 0 0
16154 29831 Risen Squire 100003 0 0
16156 29833 Dark Touched Warrior 0 0 0
16157 0 Doom Touched Warrior 0 0 0
16158 0 Death Touched Warrior 0 0 0
16163 29842 Death Knight Cavalier 100003 0 0
16164 29825 Shade of Naxxramas 100003 0 0
16165 29828 Necro Knight 100003 0 0
16167 29835 Bony Construct 100003 0 0
16168 29576 Stoneskin Gargoyle 100003 0 0
16193 29837 Skeletal Smith 100003 0 0
16194 29898 Unholy Axe 100003 0 0
16215 29899 Unholy Staff 100003 0 0
16216 29900 Unholy Swords 100003 0 0
16244 29574 Infectious Ghoul 100003 0 0
16368 0 Necropolis Acolyte 0 0 0
16446 0 Plagued Gargoyle 0 0 0
16447 30097 Plagued Ghoul 100003 0 0
16448 0 Plagued Deathhound 0 0 0
16449 0 Spirit of Naxxramas 0 0 0
16451 0 [UNUSED] Death Knight Vindicator 0 0 0
16452 0 Necro Knight Guardian 0 0 0
30071 30075 Stitched Colossus 100003 0 0
30083 30424 Marauding Geist 100003 0 0
30085 30087 Vigilant Shade 0 0 0

These should not have loot according to CMangos 16505 16506 16803

|16505|29273|Naxxramas Follower|0|0|0| |16506|29274|Naxxramas Worshipper|16506|0|0| |16803|29941|Death Knight Understudy|0|0|0|

Mobs should not drop loot

(16982, 14881, 16030, 16068, 16998, 16486, 16124, 16286, 17055, 16698, 16360,
16428, 16429, 16427, 16375, 16057, 16441, 16037, 16036, 16290, 16024, 16056,
15977, 16125, 16390, 16981, 16984, 16983, 16297, 16236, 16146, 16861, 16573,
16148, 16149, 16150, 16127, 16029, 16126, 16142)

Mobs that should NOT drop loot

entry difficulty_entry_1 name lootid skinloot pickpocketloot
14881 0 Spider 0 0 0
15977 29229 Poisonous Skitterer 0 0 0
16024 29355 Embalming Slime 0 0 0
16029 29356 Sludge Belcher 100003 0 0
16030 0 Maggot 0 0 0
16036 29608 Frenzied Bat 100003 0 0
16037 29603 Plagued Bat 100003 0 0
16056 29612 Diseased Maggot 0 0 0
16057 31542 Rotting Maggot 0 0 0
16068 0 Larva 0 0 0
16124 29987 Unrelenting Trainee 0 0 0
16125 29985 Unrelenting Death Knight 0 0 0
16126 29986 Unrelenting Rider 0 0 0
16127 30264 Spectral Trainee 0 0 0
16142 29357 Bile Sludge 0 0 0
16146 29823 Death Knight 100003 0 0
16148 29990 Spectral Death Knight 0 0 0
16149 29989 Spectral Horse 0 0 0
16150 29988 Spectral Rider 0 0 0
16236 29613 Eye Stalk 0 0 0
16286 30068 Spore 0 0 0
16290 29388 Fallout Slime 0 0 0
16297 29601 Mutated Grub 100003 0 0
16360 30303 Zombie Chow 0 0 0
16375 29354 Sewage Slime 0 0 0
16390 29901 Deathchill Servant 0 0 0
16427 30015 Soldier of the Frozen Wastes 0 0 0
16428 30048 Unstoppable Abomination 0 0 0
16429 30018 Soul Weaver 0 0 0
16441 30057 Guardian of Icecrown 0 0 0
16486 30183 Web Wrap 0 0 0
16573 29256 Crypt Guard 0 0 0
16698 29267 Corpse Scarab 0 0 0
16861 0 [UNUSED] Death Lord 0 0 0
16981 29634 Plagued Guardian 0 0 0
16982 29635 Plagued Construct 0 0 0
16983 29633 Plagued Champion 0 0 0
16984 29632 Plagued Warrior 0 0 0
16998 0 Mr. Bigglesworth 0 0 0
17055 29279 Maexxna Spiderling 0 0 0

CMangos: OK

Mobs drop loot and spider loot

(15974, 15979, 15976, 15975, 15978)
entry difficulty_entry_1 name lootid skinloot pickpocketloot
15974 29242 Dread Creeper 100004 0 0
15975 29241 Carrion Spinner 100004 0 0
15976 29243 Venom Stalker 100004 0 0
15978 30389 Crypt Reaver 100004 0 0
15979 29286 Tomb Horror 100004 0 0

drop scraps

(16243, 16034)
entry difficulty_entry_1 name lootid skinloot pickpocketloot
16034 29609 Plague Beast 100003 0 0
16243 29575 Plague Slime 100003 0 0

25 man IDs trash loot

no loot

(14881, 16030, 16068, 16453, 16861, 16998, 29229, 29355, 29356, 29608, 29603,
29612, 31542, 29987, 29985, 29986, 30264, 29357, 29823, 29990, 29989, 29988,
29613, 30068, 29388, 29601, 30303, 29354, 29901, 30015, 30048, 30018, 30057)

drop scraps

(29609, 29575)


(29242, 29241, 29243, 30389, 29286)


(16157, 16158, 16368, 16446, 16448, 16449, 16451, 16452, 29247, 29248, 29347,
29353, 29362, 29359, 29363, 29371, 29852, 29824, 29831, 29833, 29842, 29825,
29828, 29835, 29576, 29837, 29898, 29899, 29900, 29574, 30097, 29273, 29274,
30075, 30424, 30087)

lootids used 100003 and 100004


check if loot tables are present in CMangos looks OK no pickpocket, no skinning loot IDs not bothered with minlootgold, maxlootgold values atm

Loot Tables

Each category update CMangos -> ACore query

Select bosses

SELECT DISTINCT creature_template.entry, creature_template.difficulty_entry_1, creature_template.name FROM creature_template, creature WHERE creature_template.rank = 3 AND creature.map = 533 AND creature_template.entry = acore_world.creature.id1 AND creature_template.minlevel > 21;
entry difficulty_entry_1 name
15931 29373 Grobbulus
15932 29417 Gluth
15936 29701 Heigan the Unclean
15953 29268 Grand Widow Faerlina
15954 29615 Noth the Plaguebringer
15956 29249 Anub'Rekhan
16011 29718 Loatheb
16028 29324 Patchwerk
16060 29955 Gothik the Harvester
16061 29940 Instructor Razuvious
15928 29448 Thaddius
15952 29278 Maexxna
16064 30603 Thane Korth'azz
16065 30601 Lady Blaumeux
30549 30600 Baron Rivendare
16063 30602 Sir Zeliek
15989 29991 Sapphiron
15990 30061 Kel'Thuzad

difficulty_entry_1 of bosses

(29373, 29417, 29701, 29268, 29615, 29249, 29718, 29324, 29955, 29940, 29448, 29278, 30603, 30601, 30600, 30602, 29991, 30061)

Comparing mobs acore vs brotalnia db

Select mobs from acore

SELECT DISTINCT creature_template.* FROM creature_template, creature WHERE creature.map = 533 AND creature_template.entry = acore_world.creature.id1 AND creature_template.minlevel > 21 AND creature_temp    late.entry != 16980;

Select mobs from brotalnia

SELECT DISTINCT creature_template.entry FROM creature_template, creature WHERE creature.map = 533 AND creature_template.entry = creature.id

Select health from acore

SELECT DISTINCT creature_template.entry,creature_template.name, creature_template.entry, creature_template.HealthModifier FROM creature_template, creature WHERE creature.map = 533 AND creature_template.entry = acore_world.creature.id1 AND creature_template.minlevel > 21;

(4075, 14881, 15928, 15931, 15932, 15936, 15952, 15953, 15954, 15956, 15974, 15975, 15976, 15977, 15978, 15979, 15980, 15981, 15989, 15990, 16011, 16017, 16018, 16020, 16021, 16022, 16024, 16025, 16028, 16029, 16030, 16034, 16036, 16037, 16056, 16057, 16060, 16061, 16062, 16063, 16064, 16065, 16067, 16068, 16082, 16137, 16145, 16146, 16154, 16156, 16157, 16158, 16163, 16164, 16165, 16167, 16168, 16193, 16194, 16211, 16215, 16216, 16243, 16244, 16297, 16365, 16368, 16381, 16400, 16446, 16447, 16448, 16449, 16451, 16452, 16453, 16861, 16998, 533004)

brotalnia 15974

Select health from brotalnia

SELECT DISTINCT creature_template.entry, creature_template.armor, creature_template.dmg_min, creature_template.dmg_max, creature_template.name, creature_template.health_min, creature_template.health_max FROM creature_template, creature WHERE creature.map = 533 AND creature_template.entry = creature.id

Approach 1 details


Scale trash level health modifier with 1.5

UPDATE creature_template SET HealthModifier = HealthModifier * 1.5   WHERE entry IN ();

Scale level

UPDATE creature_template SET minlevel = (minlevel - 20)   WHERE entry IN ();
UPDATE creature_template SET maxlevel = (maxlevel - 20)   WHERE entry IN ();

Values observed of Naxx10

Creature Brotalnia (nax40) AzerothCore Naxx10 (scaled to lvl60) modifier health (pre scaling)
Skitterer 15720 10316 2
Venom Stalker 94320 61896 12
Noth the Plaguebringer 1665500 884400 200 2789000
Frenzied Bat 10682 7469 1.5
Patchwork Golem 88032 56738 11 143000
Embalming Slime 12208 7967 1.6 20000
Patchwork 3997200 1713370 310 432200

To set values to Naxx40 levels: Bosses modifiers x2 Non-bosses modifers x1.5 To scale it to Naxx25 lvl60, scale by x0.5 Conclusion: No scaling needed for HP values after scaling to lvl60

Issue: Spells need scaling

Approach 2 Details

Naxx25 scaling observed with linear scaling factor X

Creature Naxx40 (Brotalnia) AutoBalance (X=1.0)
Skitterer 15720 15721
Venom Stalker 94320 94321
Noth the Plaguebringer 1665500 1612000
Frenzied Bat 10682 9157
Patchwork Golem 88032 94321
Embalming Slime 12208 12209
Patchwork 3997200 3114000

Approach 3 Details

Armor, hp, mana can be set with select/update statements as in Approach 1

Mechanics stay the same

Spell damage values need to be changed


Grab Wrath Spells We have a list of creatures in Naxx look up their smart ai scripts lookup the spells, then open spellDBC https://github.com/wowgaming/node-dbc-reader

Grab Brotalnia 1.12 Spells check IDs and damage

create update/select query to scale

Scale Venom Stalker 15976 29243 Poison Charge

create custom patch

edit the map to spawn naxx in EPL incl portal

custom spells (copy of naxx25 values) and scale those to lvl60

custom map area


Gold value

bosses gold value

select entry, MinLootGold, MaxLootGold  from creature_template where entry in
(15931, 15932, 15936, 15953, 15954, 15956, 16011, 16028, 16060, 16061, 15928, 15952, 16064, 16065, 30549, 16063, 15989, 15990);

Trash loot

LootID in Creature_Template


Select mobs with trash loot

SELECT DISTINCT creature_template.* FROM creature_template, creature WHERE creature_template.rank != 3 AND creature.map = 533 AND creature_template.entry = acore_world.creature.id1 AND lootid != 0 AND creature_template.minlevel > 21 AND creature_template.entry != 16980;

lootid 100,003 trash 100,004 spider trash

4H Chest

Deathknight Wing Eye Portal Boss

GUID 65854

ID 181230






Reference 34382

Reference 34146

brotalnia chest gameobject_loot_template


reference 12002 for tokens


token 22349

Boss loot

Adjust templates in Acore. Overwrite Naxx25 (if needed and Naxx10) GUIDs.

Thaddius loot example found in brotalnia

    entry 15928
    loot_id 15928
    Entry loot_id 15928
    22726 (atiesh)
    30450 ref
    30451 ref
    30452 ref

Loot CMangos

Brotalnia data

https://github.com/brotalnia/database world_full_14_june_2021.7z

I setup a stack with Portainer and imported the data.

Setup a uploads.ini (see below) to increase upload size. Go to localhost:8090 and upload SQL to import data.


# Use root/example as user/password credentials
version: '3.1'

    image: mysql
    # NOTE: use of "mysql_native_password" is not recommended: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/upgrading-from-previous-series.html#upgrade-caching-sha2-password
    # (this is just an example, not intended to be a production configuration)
    command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password
    restart: always
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: password
      - '3305:3306'

    image: adminer
    restart: always
       - /home/${USER}/scripts/uploads.ini:/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/uploads.ini
      - 8090:8080
$ cat uploads.ini
file_uploads = On
upload_max_filesize = 256M
post_max_size = 256M

Entrance Difficulty

Adjust difficulty entry in DB for naxx25

By default it'll enter Naxx10 (difficulty: 0) which makes things complicated as we want 25man mechanics.

Need to run /script SetRaidDifficulty(2) ingame to set difficulty to 25m

How to teleport to naxx?

No teleporter in EPL. So we must add something "custom". If we want blizzlike the teleporter is present under the map, requires map editing. Is the area trigger still there? If not, can use an invisibile trigger with smartAI to TP.

item in bags on use: https://github.com/azerothcore/mod-pocket-portal PROS: not blizzlike CONS: more difficult to implement Set epic, itemlvl, turn off boa

portal NPC: https://github.com/Zoidwaffle/sql-npc-teleporter PRO: easy CONS: boring, not blizzlike

Custom game portal object "attacks" nearby players with teleport spell: PRO: blizzlike CONS: where to put it to make it blizzlikes as the naxx portal is under the map

Object that teleports on click PRO: easy, more lore-friendly CONS: not blizzlike

UPDATE `gameobject_template` SET `AIName` = 'SmartGameObjectAI' WHERE `entry` = 9000;

DELETE FROM `smart_scripts` WHERE (`entryorguid` = 9000) AND (`source_type` = 1) AND (`id` IN (0));
INSERT INTO `smart_scripts` (`entryorguid`, `source_type`, `id`, `link`, `event_type`, `event_phase_mask`, `event_chance`, `event_flags`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `event_param3`, `event_param4`, `event_param5`, `action_type`, `action_param1`, `action_param2`, `action_param3`, `action_param4`, `action_param5`, `action_param6`, `target_type`, `target_param1`, `target_param2`, `target_param3`, `target_param4`, `target_x`, `target_y`, `target_z`, `target_o`, `comment`) VALUES
(9000, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 5000, 5000, 0, 11, 28444, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 0, 5, 99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '');

Orb that teles from Sapphiron to Naxx ID GUID 202278 268048

29295 Tele DND -> does nothing 72613 -> teles to Sapphiron (exit) 72617 Spphiron Entry: Teles to naxxramas

just add the gameobject to EPL

Add transporter that you need to click like BWL orb

.gobject add 181599 blue rune // purple 181600 181476 Nox Portal Plaguewood icy rune 186747 or frozen rune 181287 blue rune 182591 (wall) or 182590 ground necro rune stone 189314 rune 188695 Scourge transporter rune

Entrance flag

void OnPlayerEnter(Player* player) override
    player->CastSpell(player, 29296, true);


Requires in acore is either quest completed, achievement or item in bags.

Blizzlike Naxx attunement is OR of 3 quests. Not possible to add Blizzlike by only updating dungeon_access_requirements

Can choose to add custom item that needs to be in bags, like "arcane cloak".. Not blizzlike. I added a condition requirement instead to the spell that TPs you to naxx. So you can be summoned into Naxx, however you still need to complete attunement to access echoes of war which needs to be completed to unlock the T3 loot quests.

dungeon ids naxx25 ID 31 naxx10 ID 30 Attunement quests 9121 9122 9123 reward learn spell arcane cloaking 280006

DELETE FROM dungeon_access_requirements WHERE dungeon_access_id = 30; INSERT INTO dungeon_access_requirements (dungeon_access_id, requirement_type, requirement_id, requirement_note, faction, priority, leader_only, comment) VALUES (31, 1, 16309, 'Must have completed attunement', 2, NULL, 0, '');

requirement_type set to 2 for quest requirement is of AND type.

Known Issue: Not possible to set requirement of any attument quest complete (19121 || 19122 || 19123)

Without dungeon_access_requirement, players can be summoned inside the instance without completeing the quest.

However! The quest must be completed to pickup Echoes of War. Which is a raid kill quest where you must kill trash inside Naxx. It is requirement to enable the turn in of tokens and scraps for T3 tokens.

The teleporter outside is disabled and teleporter (wing->start) inside do not work without attunement

arcane cloaking 28006

Either condition of either of 3 quests OR arcane cloaking learned

Test attunement make fresh lvl 60 char try without attunement and try with attunement attunement spells are 9121, 9122, 9123 the attunement has an OR condition.

It is not possible to complete multiple attunements as a player so only test 1 quest for 1 character.

.tele lightshope
.quest add 9121
.quest complete 9121
.quest reward 9121

Test T3 lvl 60 char

.tele lightshope
.mod reputation 529 10000
.quest complete 9121
-- Add condition Attunement to teleport spell
-- Shows when not attuned Error Message 107: That spell is not available to you

Check loot quests after echoes of war

.quest complete 9033

T3 loot quests

loot quests wrong allowable classes also missing quest starter and quest ender

hunter character .quest add 9059 .quest complete 9059

Also T3 Paladin helm quest is not disable. The only one out of all the T3 quests.

Check AllowableClasses flag

SELECT * FROM `quest_template_addon` WHERE `ID` IN
(9034, 9036, 9037, 9038,
9039, 9040, 9041, 9042, 9043, 9044, 9045, 9046, 9047, 9048, 9049, 9050, 9054,
9055, 9056, 9057, 9058, 9059, 9060, 9061, 9068, 9069, 9070, 9071, 9072, 9073,
9074, 9075, 9077, 9078, 9079, 9080, 9081, 9082, 9083, 9084, 9086, 9087, 9088,
9089, 9090, 9091, 9092, 9093, 9095, 9096, 9097, 9098, 9099, 9100, 9101, 9102,
9103, 9104, 9105, 9106, 9107, 9108, 9109, 9110, 9111, 9112, 9113, 9114, 9115,
9116, 9117, 9118);

All T3 loot quests

(9034, 9036, 9037, 9038,
9039, 9040, 9041, 9042, 9043, 9044, 9045, 9046, 9047, 9048, 9049, 9050, 9054,
9055, 9056, 9057, 9058, 9059, 9060, 9061, 9068, 9069, 9070, 9071, 9072, 9073,
9074, 9075, 9077, 9078, 9079, 9080, 9081, 9082, 9083, 9084, 9086, 9087, 9088,
9089, 9090, 9091, 9092, 9093, 9095, 9096, 9097, 9098, 9099, 9100, 9101, 9102,
9103, 9104, 9105, 9106, 9107, 9108, 9109, 9110, 9111, 9112, 9113, 9114, 9115,
9116, 9117, 9118)

Quests do not have a correct start and end listed in their quest template. Needs fixing in Acore.

Also T3 paladin helm quest is the only one not disabled.

Echoes of war needs upading so it can be completed in 1 raid ID