08 Test GM Commands - sogladev/mod-vanilla-naxxramas GitHub Wiki

attunement - reputation honored - complete quest

.mod reputation 529 10000
.go creature 54192
.quest complete 9121

teleport to naxx entrance inside strat

.go xyz 3960 -3392 121 329

tp to teleporter

.go gameobject 45907


.go xyz 2578.84 -3009 241.5 533

tp Sapphiron

.go c 361338

reset instance

.instance unbind all

10man HC

/script SetRaidDifficulty(4)

go Thaddius

.go c 130957

4H door

.gobject activate 65753
.go c 130961


.go c 128135

Naxx cauldron

.go xyz 3124 -3732 134

It is not possible to complete multiple attunements as a player so only test 1 quest for 1 character.

.tele lightshope
.quest add 9121
.quest complete 9121
.quest reward 9121

Test T3 lvl 60 char

.tele lightshope
.mod reputation 529 10000
.quest complete 9121

Check loot quests after echoes of war

.quest complete 9033

hunter character

.quest add 9059
.quest complete 9059