07 How spell adjustments were made - sogladev/mod-vanilla-naxxramas GitHub Wiki

Figure out the spellId by reading *.cpp script or smartAI

tools and how I use these for adjusting spells:

  • Spellworks: browse 335 spells
  • SpellEditor: compare 112 335 effects, create custom spells
  • Keira3: edit smartAI, creature template spells

Custom Cast with cpp

For example Grobbulus' Poison Spray

    SPELL_SLIME_SPRAY                       = 28157,

Lookup spell 28157 in spellwork to get an idea of what it does

spellwork slime spray

important: Effect 0 and SPELL_EFFECT_SCHOOL_DAMAGE

Next we compare 335 with 112 to get an idea of the changes made to this spell

spelleditor comparison

Since this spell is unchanged besides damage and the spell is cast from a *.cpp script, we can use CustomCast to change the Base Points of Effect0 (bp0) value

CustomCast allows to change bp0, bp1, bp2 and some other effects as defined in



Casting with modified bp0 is not 100% accurate as we are not changing the die points, but it is accurate enough

int32 bp0 = 3200;
me->CastCustomSpell(me->GetVictim(), SPELL_SLIME_SPRAY, &bp0, 0, 0, false);

Example with more effect, changing the damage and max targets of chain lightning

CustomSpellValues values;
int32 customChainLightningDamage = 1850; // (1850, 2150), die 675
values.AddSpellMod(SPELLVALUE_BASE_POINT0, customChainLightningDamage);
values.AddSpellMod(SPELLVALUE_MAX_TARGETS, 15);
me->CastCustomSpell(SPELL_CHAIN_LIGHTNING, values, me->GetVictim(), TRIGGERED_NONE, nullptr, nullptr, ObjectGuid::Empty);

Custom Cast with smartAI

SmartAI also has a custom cast options to modify these values.

For example Eye Stalk reduces damage from 2.5k to 750 and movement speed -50% to only -20%

-- Eye Stalk
-- Reduce damage 2.5k to 750, movement speed reduction -50 to -20 (as unsigned int)

Change bp0 which changes damage, and bp1 changes movement speed reduction. However! negative int32 needs to be written as unsigned int. So 4294967276 actually means -20

Try -20 https://www.simonv.fr/TypesConvert/?integers

keira eye stalk

Spell Script

For more advanced changes we must use a spell script.

Razuvious' Shout in 335 is physical damage that has 60+ yard range, ignores line of sight. However in vanilla this shout is max 45 yards, does not ignore line of sight and burns mana + deals damage

Attach spell_script to spellId

-- 55543: 10 man version of Disrupting Shout
DELETE FROM `spell_script_names` WHERE `spell_id` = 55543;
INSERT INTO `spell_script_names` (`spell_id`, `ScriptName`)
VALUES(55543, 'spell_razuvious_disrupting_shout');

With a guard clause to not touch Naxx10/25 and only new Naxx10 HC (naxx40)

class spell_razuvious_disrupting_shout_40 : public SpellScriptLoader
    spell_razuvious_disrupting_shout_40() : SpellScriptLoader("spell_razuvious_disrupting_shout") { }

    class spell_razuvious_disrupting_shout_40_SpellScript : public SpellScript

        void PreventLaunchHit(SpellEffIndex effIndex)
            Unit* caster = GetCaster();
            if (!caster || (caster->GetMap()->GetDifficulty() != RAID_DIFFICULTY_10MAN_HEROIC))
            if (Unit* target = GetHitUnit())
                // ignore los -> not ignore los
                // radius 60yd -> 45yd
                if (!target->IsWithinLOSInMap(caster) || !target->IsWithinDist2d(caster, 45.0f))
                Powers PowerType = POWER_MANA;
                // int32 amountToDrain = urand(4050,4950);
                int32 amountToDrain = urand(500,501);
                int32 drainedAmount = -target->ModifyPower(PowerType, -amountToDrain);

        void Register() override
            OnEffectHitTarget += SpellEffectFn(spell_razuvious_disrupting_shout_40_SpellScript::PreventLaunchHit, EFFECT_0, SPELL_EFFECT_SCHOOL_DAMAGE);

    SpellScript* GetSpellScript() const override
        return new spell_razuvious_disrupting_shout_40_SpellScript();

Custom spells

Some effects can only be achieved by a custom spell.

Note that custom spells do not exist on client side without a patch, so anything with a visual will simply not show up. Server-side spells are OK but should be minimized

For example we must use a custom spell for edit summon spell entries. Where the ID of the summoned creature is EffectMiscValueA

For example Bombard Slime (Grobbulus) summons 16375. We must change this to a level 60 creature instead.

spellwork bombard slime

Copy paste and edit the entry 16375 to our new creature ID 351071

DELETE FROM `spell_dbc` WHERE (`ID` = 90003);
INSERT INTO `spell_dbc` (...) VALUES
(90003,0,...351071,...,"Bombard Slime",...);

and then change spell cast by Grobbulus to our new spell

SPELL_BOMBARD_SLIME = 90003 // update summon entry