04 List of changes in detail - sogladev/mod-vanilla-naxxramas GitHub Wiki

Version 3 changes

stand-alone custom-module mod-vanilla-naxxramas

Azerothcore Upstream fixes

  • (merged) 4 horsemen, Blaeumeux summons a Void Zone that periodically (every 1s) triggers Consumption (28865) which deals AoE damage. A spell script decides hardcoded damage based on difficulty. Proper spells should be used instead. spell_four_horsemen_consumption with hardcoded damage that ignore defensives. Should use proper IDs
  • (merged) Once all wings are cleared, should teleport straight to Sapphiron without being able to go back down.
  • (merged) Maexxna's web wrap
  • (merged) Spell scripts refactor to use registry macros
  • (pr in progress) Gothik adjustments
  • (pr in progress) Razuvious' Death Knight Understudy should switch between AttackReady (333) and Attack (36), out of combat RP missing

Client side patch

  • (optional) Restore Plaguewood Portal Hub



  • Anub
  • Fearlina
  • (revisit on upstream changes) Maexxna vanilla web wrap, using less buggy web wrap. Does not stun mid-air
  • Maexxna: Thrash (double attack) spell missing


  • Patchwerk
  • Grobullus
  • Gluth
  • Thaddius
  • Living Poison aka Frogger before Naxx is missing in lvl 60 instance
  • Grobbulus: slime spray damage adjusted
  • Grobbulus: poison cloud damage reduce damage properly
  • Grobbulus: debuff explosion damage adjusted -[x] Grobbulus: poison cloud damage, damage reduced by lowering ticktime
  • Grobullus: Poison damage by Poison Cloud ~3k to ~1k
  • Gluth: enrage increased, icon not updated (requires custom spell+client patch)
  • Thaddius: room Tesla shock reduced damage
  • Thaddius: mark damage from 4500 to 2000
  • Thaddius: lightning ball (wipe mechanic) adjusted
  • Feugen: Power burn 500 every 3 seconds. - [x] Feugen: Power burn is missing nature visual effect, requires custom spell Military Quarter
  • Razuvious DK Understudy. has 2, needs 4
  • Razuvious: remove throwing knife mechaniac
  • Razuvious: reduce damage, range (45yd) of shout. Does not drain mana and ignores LoS. Needs client patch
  • Razuvious, removed knife throw mechanic, disrupting shout adjusted to 45yd and less damage. No power burn without client patch or remove animation
  • Horsemen: damage adjusted
  • Horsemen: Blaumeux+Zeliek enable move
  • Horsemen: no pathing on pull
  • Horsemen: on dead spawn spirit that continues casting marks https://youtu.be/P-EvInoC7ss?si=cGt-IPv08nAt1Qyo&t=489
  • Horsemen: shield wall
  • Horsemen: hit by mark reduces aggro by 50%
  • Blaumeux: Void Zone casts Consumption (28865). Should do 4k damage. Range 2-3 requires custom patch
  • Blaumeux+Zeliek: Remove Punish spells for not being in range

Plague Quarter

  • Noth: curse range adjusted, number of curses, faster curses
  • Noth: curse damage reduced, range increased
  • Heigan: fever dot 3k -> 500
  • Heigan: Poison Cloud, (AoE when he teleports), damage reduced to 500
  • Heigan: Reduce damage from eruption
  • Heigan: Adjust Eruption calc so it no longer uses SetHitDamage(damage) which ignores defensive CDs
  • Heigan: disruption should be power burn
  • Heigan: should tp players to room
  • Heigan: should tp players to room, update gate logic
  • Heigan: should despawn stalks when dead
  • Heigan: should kill players in the room when dance happens
  • Loatheb: Deathbloom damage reduced to 33dps for 6 sec instead of 200dps
  • Loatheb: Spores +50% to +60% caster crit

Frost Wing

  • Sapphiron: Frost Aura tick timer reduced 2s->1s and damage reduced by half, needs custom patch
  • Sapphiron: Life Drain damage reduced from ~2.5k to ~2k
  • Sapphiron: (unchanged) Tail Swipe similar damage
  • Sapphiron: Cast Custom Chill, less damage and more speed reduction, 4k to 3.5k, increased speed reduction -50 to -66
  • Kel'Thuzad: (unchanged) Abomination, same %healing reduction, damage is similar
  • Kel'Thuzad: (unchanged) Soul Weaver, same damage
  • Kel'Thuzad: Skeleton/Soldier, reduced damage Dark Blast ~3.5k to ~2k
  • Kel'Thuzad: (unchanged) Guardian, damage similar


Plague Quarter

  • Plagued Ghoul - missing smartAI say texts
  • Infectious Ghoul: damage unchanged, updated rend, update frenzy
  • Plague Slime: unchanged
  • Mutaged Grub, reduce aoe dmg ~400 -> ~200
  • Frenzied Bat, update frenzy id
  • Plagued Bat, update IC timings
  • Plague Beast, smartAI trample
  • Eye Stalk, smartAI reduce damage, movement speed reduction is less
  • Eye Stalk, smartAI missing OOC rp and birth animation

Military Quarter

  • Necro Knight, has smartAI (see Necro Knight Guardian)
  • Unholy Staff Arcane Explosion, damage is similar (~2k) but range is 45yd instead of 20yd. Requires spellscript to reduce radius
  • Horse mounts from trash before Razuvious are lvl 80
  • Death Knight Captain, updated smartAI to cast whirlwind/stun
  • Plagued Gargoyle, smartAI
  • Unholy swords, looks the same
  • Infectious Ghoul: missing low hp text in smartAI
  • Unholy Axe, looks the same
  • Death Lord, add smartAI
  • Deathknight, update smartAI
  • Skeletal Smith, update SmartAI
  • Bony Construct, update smartAI
  • Spirit of Naxxramas, update smartAI reduce shadow bolt damage from 2.2k to 1.8k
  • Skeletal Steed, smartAI add trample and intercept

Construct Quarter

  • Sewage Slime, disease cloud 28153. Ticks for 600 instead of 300. Trigger spell requires spellscript HandleDamage
  • Sewage Slime, slime that spawns from Grobulus are lvl 80
  • Pathwerk Trash (see below): awkward pathing with formations?
  • Bile Retcher 351022 - 27807 Bile Vomit - ~5k instant, ~1200 dot to ~1500 instant, 250 dot
  • Patchwork Golem - cleave based on weapon damage instead of raw damage in classic. Requires custom patch
  • Embalming Slime - same AoE damage, unchanged
  • Mad Scientist - Heal, reduced from ~20% hp to ~10% hp. Vanilla is raw ~3k
  • Mad Scientist - Mana Burn ~3.5k to ~1.5k
  • Surgical Assitant - Mind Flay damage from 1.5k to 600 per tick
  • Living Monstrosity - Chain Lightning damage from ~4k to ~1k. (Chain Lightning should 3 to 10. Range 45 to 30, requires custom script)
  • Living Monstrosity - Summon lvl 62 Lightning Totem
  • Lightning Totem - lvl62 - Shock damage ~3k to ~2k
  • Stitched Spewer - unchanged, weapon damage instead of raw 2k dmg
  • Toxic Tunnel - unchanged, damage should be 300->200. Triggered spell 28369. Requires custom patch
  • Necropolis Acolyte - add smartAI, Casts Shadow Bolt Volley and Arcane Explosion
  • Plagued Ghoul - 351078, add smartAI
  • Deathknight Vindicator, add smartAI


  • Issue Bony Construct patrol/creature_formation guid 3612410
  • Issue Patchwerk Trash:

Version 2 changes

Naxx10HC difficulty, Stratholme entrance, Remove autobalancer, add boss scripts/trash scripts/smartAIs, damage adjustments, minor vanilla mechanics, scripts included in mod-individual-progression https://github.com/sogladev/mod-progression-system-naxx25-60/tree/naxx

Implement changes inspired by Zhen's IndividualProgression mod

  • Removed autobalancer
  • leave Naxx10/25 untouched, instead use unused heroic 10man difficulty
  • Instance/boss has their own script allowing for naxx40 mechanics

IndividualProgression has made some fixes/improvement that I like to these v1. Some changes I can highlight

  • Entrance script improved
  • Beta entrance in Strat. Must enter once through Strat with attunement quest completed

Version 1 changes

Overwriting Naxx10 with lvl 60 Naxxramas, autobalancer https://github.com/azerothcore/mod-progression-system/pull/251/commits/0271f41137410efd06a6eb3c8a5619026f460345

A muted video (WIP). See more details below https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/74299960/183513127-17bd96f6-fac9-44a2-be0c-d2eacf6ec15e.mp4

  • Allow lvl 60 to enter
  • Add floating and pathing Naxxramas in Plaguewood
  • Exit portals TP to EPL
  • Scale instance with autobalancer (can be tuned easily)
  • Naxx25 mechanics
  • Change graveyard to EPL
  • Add summoning stone to EPL
  • Add Teleport gameobject in EPL
  • Integrate scaling script in this repo (v1.2.2-clean-up-old-code from mod-autobalance-naxx25-60
  • Add enter spell (ID: 29296) when entering Naxx (improve: need to overwrite instance OnPlayerEntered)
  • Add Attunement quest requirement (only to TP orb and boss->start tp)
  • Add quests to turn in T3 tokens
  • Update Echoes of War (adjust kill count)
  • Update Boss Loot to lvl60 (+verify with CMangos)
  • Make Phylactery quest completable
  • Add frost resistance quests from Crafsman Wilhelm
  • Update Trash Loot to lvl60
  • Update Trash gold drops to lvl60
  • Add Omarion (frost resistance trainer) script
  • Add Frozen Rune game objects
  • Add frost resistance anvil (gobject) BS Craft requirement (already existed)
  • Add Archmage Tarsis Kir-Moldir incl. RP event Frame of Atiesh
  • Add map edit teleporter to EPL
  • Accurate Naxx40 mechanics