Blue Team RF Requirements - sofwerx/mad-jack GitHub Wiki



  • HackRF

    • Freq. Range (MHz) - 0.1 – 6000
    • TX (Transmission) - Yes (half duplex)
    • Dynamic Range (Claimed)(dB) - ~48
    • Clock Precision (PPM) - 30 PPM XO
    • ADC Bits - 8
    • Price (USD) - $299.99 USD

    • Freq. Range (MHz) - 24 – 1766
    • RX (Receiver Only) - 3.2 RX Bandwidth (MHz)
    • ADC Bits - 8
    • Price (USD) - $20.00 USD

The SDR tools used for the project are mainly limited to HackRF and RTL-SDR. In the need for testing and jamming, HackRF and its configuration are covered in the testing tab. Initializing the setup and proper configuration of these devices is vital due to the importance of their ability to properly gather data.


Preferred Characteristics:

  • CPU - Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3337U CPU @ 1.80GHz
  • RAM Memory - 16GB
  • HDD Memory - 32GB

Price(USD) range ($250 - $300 USD)

Depending on the setup for the RF Analysis System there will several computers required. Each computer will be subjected to filtering several thousand RF hits a minute through which it may require a quicker CPU, depending on the set frequency and spectrum observed. If the RF Data recorded is captured and stored in a Database on the same system which will be monitoring, there should be a minimum of a 256GB HDD memory as it tends to scan many hits.

GPS Dongle(Optional)

Any USB based reciever: GlobalSat-Bu-353S4 (The one used for the Project)

Price(USD) - $28.50 USD

This device can be implemented whenever a monitoring station is introduced into the system, where the activity can be tracked and recorded along all other data.


The monitoring system is able to handle a wide spectrum while analyzing and gathering RF data. This is mainly thanks to the open source software readily available online. Here you may find more information concerning the software used and its features and purpose.

Operating System

Operating system required for this project is a Debian Linux or anything else that will be able to provide a proper Docker environment. The operating systems does not provide any vital service when Docker is used, however when Docker is not configured, the majority of operating software and related components will run on the OS. For that reason working with Debian based Linux would be the most suitable option. In our case we used PoPOS however any similar OS, Like Ubuntu is a viable option.


Docker serves as an alternative environment which provides support for software that implements its incorporation without causing issue with other software components on the operating system. Through the use of Docker containers, software can be isolated and and configured with only its vital components and allow more control and flexibility for a given system. Through its use we will be able to configure most of the components without encountering compatibility issues.


Database is a vital part of any data analysis system. In the case of RF data a database system comes into play in organizing and categorizing the data through live recording of interesting frequencies from a given spectrum. This will allow to refer back to and view any possible issues and problems with anything related to the RF signal recorded.


Location and physical placement from where the signal is recorded is a vital part in understanding the source and signal activity. By allocating a designated location through latitude and longitude or through a GPS module attached to a system you may be able to generate a better idea of how a system operates. GPSD will the be a software controller of any attached devices to the system and will allow for proper and timely collection of relevant location data relative to the RF signal gathered.


RF data gathering software is the most vital component to the whole project. This software needs to provide, power, frequency, location, and time data concerning the area the hardware is deployed. GammaRF offers all of that, through a easy to navigate terminal interface, docker compatible setup, and database implementable output GammaRF provides a perfect environment for incorporated a clean interface that controls SDR's and the data that they collect.