Sprint 6 - softwareplanet/leadboard GitHub Wiki
Period: 09/10/2018 - 09/14/2018
# | User story | Assignment | Estimating (h) | Spent time (h) |
1 | User can search items using search bar | DenysKom, NazarPo | 17,5 | D(18)N(24) |
2 | User can add, edit custom fields of organization and contact on lead edit page | yaroslavmo | 19 | Y(21) |
3 | User can delete custom fields | vladislavkoz | 9 | (3) |
4 | Autohrized user can see dropdown on the navbar | yaroslavmo vladislavkoz | 5 | Y(12)V() |
5 | User can see organization and contact custom fields on lead edit page | Valentyn Tulub, vladislavkoz | 25 | Valentyn(24) Vlad() |
6 | User can see settings page with "Customize fields" menu item and page | Valentyn Tulub | 14 | 7, not finished |
6 | User can see all organisations | vladislavkoz | 14 | 18, not finished |