Operating WSJT X with background 3 band skimmer - softerhardware/Hermes-Lite2 GitHub Wiki

Here is the setup I'm using to operate FT8/FT4 with Hermes-lite.

The main program is SparkSDR which I run 3 receivers on 40m/20m/15m that matches my fan dipole. I setup FT8/FT4/JT9/PSK skimmers on each of those three bands. I then use the 4th receiver as the interface to WSJT-X. With VB-Audio Cable and rigctl WSJT-X is able to control that receiver to tune any frequency or mode.

SparkSDR with WSJT-X

To setup SparkSDR pick the transceiver that will be dedicated to WSJT-X. Set it to DigiU, and then open up the configuration by pressing the ... button in the bottom right. Inside pick The VB-Audio cable for both input and output, then enable Rigctl CAT. When it's enabled remember the port for WSJT-X. In this example the port 51111.

SparkSDR virtual transceiver DigiU setup

SparkSDR virtual transceiver setup

Then setup WSJT-X

  • Hamlib NET rigctl
  • IP Adress of the machine where SparkSDR is running
  • same port as in Spark configured 51111
  • VB-Audio cable.

WSJT settings

I find it helpful to use pskreporter to visualize what is happening on the three different bands.

Links to software used: