INDX on Cordova - sociam/indx GitHub Wiki


  1. install xcode 5.1
  2. IF you want to run directly on your device register your device as a development
  3. Download a apple provisioning portal - at the Unviersity of Southampton you can just download the iOS team (University)
  4. Add that profile to your phone by dragging it into iTunes, and syncing
  5. Create hello world app in cordova like this: cordova create hello com.example.hello "HelloWorld" cd hello; cordova platform add ios cordova prepare This will create an xcodeproj file inside hello/platforms/ios
  6. Open that in Xcode
  7. Selct your iphone from targets.
  8. Build, build will fail
  9. Open HelloWorld.xcodeproj, go to build settings, select "All"
  10. Change Architectures to only include armv7s armv7 (or other iphones armv6s armv6) exclude: arm64 (which won't be supported on Cordova till 3.5)
  11. Build again. Works! Hit Play to run on the device