Android Integration - socialvibe/mobile_integration_doc GitHub Wiki

FWTX Integration for Android

The following are step-by-step instructions for integrating Truex Engagements into an Android app via FreeWheel.

Step 1:

Download the latest FWTXRenderer library.

Step 2:

Add the library to the project.

File > New > New Module

new module import dialog browser to module aar

Step 3

The extension also requires volley.

The easiest way to include volley is via a new entry under dependencies in the app's build.gradle.

dependencies {
    compile ''

Step 4:

Also add the FWTruexRenderer as a dependency of the app.

Build > Edit Libraries and Dependencies




Step 5:

Register the FWTXExtension

In your video player...

import tv.freewheel.extension.ExtensionManager;
import com.truex.freewheel.extensions.TruexExtension;
private void init(Activity activity, String providerId) {
  ExtensionManager.registerExtension("FWTXExtension", TruexExtension.class);