Sixth meeting - snowpuppy/augreality GitHub Wiki

Notes from Meeting on Aug 4, 2013

2pm - 3:15pm

Completed Action Items:

  • Tutorial on LaTeX (Stephen Ellis) see wiki page LaTeX Introduction
  • XBee Testing with 900MHZ (Thor Smith) see wiki page Xbee Pro Tests
  • Determine Orientation of user head and GPS (Stephen Carlson)
    • GPS works
    • Can't determine if user is looking north vs west. A better sensor may help.
  • Write script to parse google maps and return coordinates of obstacles (Alec Green)
    • Need to do basic image processing for building coordinates and decide on how to store them.
  • Simple Models in Blender (Stephen Ellis) see 3d modeling page 3D Modeling
Action Items
  • Finish write script to parse google maps and return coordinates of obstacles (Alec Green)
  • Investigate running a better test with ATX power supply. (Thor Smith)
  • Start working on CCU Framework (Thor Smith)
  • Add Prices for items Bought (Thor Smith)
  • Create and search quad tree (Alec Green)
  • More Pacman models (Stephen Ellis)
  • Investigate Yaw with 9dof (Stephen Carlson)
  • Find a way to cut glass for headset (Stephen Carlson)
  • Investigate storage of 3d models on headset (Stephen Ellis)

Next Meeting on August 18th EE 209 at 6pm.
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