Reports - sms-trevature/user-interface GitHub Wiki
Day Notice Report Component
The purpose of this component is to retrieve all of the associates who received at least 24-hours notice before their interview and display it on the application.
- No specific issues came about while writing the code for this component. A little research was required on how to perform filters. No current issues with the implementation.
Future Iterations
We were supposed to have visual data and to show that data we were supposed to use ngCharts which is something you need to install in angular using the node package manager. Using this, we needed to create a pie chart that displayed how many associates got at least 24 hours of notice before their interview and how many did not.
You will need to install ngCharts in order to use that functionality in angular.
Feedback Report Component
The purpose of this component is to retrieve all of the associates whom the staging manager requested that they submit some additional feedback on their interview.
- We need to be able to sort the associates by who needed feedback and who did not. Currently, the application is able to search within the list by name/email and place/location. Create a drop-down menu that when clicked on true/false, would show those associates respectively.
Future Iterations
We were supposed to have visual data and to show that data we were supposed to use ngCharts which is something you need to install in angular using the node package manager. Using this, we needed to create a pie chart that displayed how many associates needed to submit feedback and those who did not.
Job Description Report Component
The purpose of this component is to retrieve all of the associates who were provided with a job description of what they were going to do after they received an interview.
- Same issues as listed above. Filter by true/false based on whether they got a job description or not.
Future Iterations
We were supposed to have visual data and to show that data we were supposed to use ngCharts which is something you need to install in angular using the node package manager. Using this, we needed to create a pie chart that displayed how many associates needed to submit feedback and those who did not.
Issues For All Three Components
- We had issues trying to handle null requests from the database. If you look in the HTML files, you'll see an *ngIf statement that kind of handles the null statements and if it is null, it will display N/A and not make the application crash. Ideally, the application would show false if it was null.
Future Iterations For All Three Components
Create a custom pipe that changes the display of the true/false value on the tables to Yes/No values.