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A. What have u learned in the ICP In learning the fundamentals of NLP, the ICP supported in pre-processing and cleaning of text data. Firstly we have understand the google Colaboratory and import the libraries required for the code by using nltk. In the pre-processing there are different steps i chose three tasks in it they are: 1.Lemmatization 2.Remove Stop-words 3.POS tagging(Parts Of Speech)
B. Screenshot of the GitHub repository
C. Screen Shots of code and Data Analysis tasks
D.ICP Description What was the task you were performing
Following three tasks:
- Lemmatization: It gives the base name and removes the inflectional endings in the text. 2.Remove Stop Word: It helps in eliminating the unwanted words. 3.POS tagging: It defines the which parts of speech.
E. Challenges that you faced
Nothing F. Screen shots that show the successful execution of each required step of your code.
G. Output file Link if Applicable NO
H. Video link