SSC Accession Inventories Importing Project - smith-special-collections/sc-documentation GitHub Wiki


This page outlines the project goals and workflow for importing legacy SSC accession inventories. It also includes instructions specific to the various approaches. These instructions should be used in conjunction with the standard processes outlined elsewhere on the wiki.


Project Goals and Workflow

  1. Make legacy SSC accession inventories available to users
  2. Gain physical and intellectual control over boxes in preparation for move

First Steps

  • Step 1: Dan matches description to boxes
  • Step 2: Dan identifies approach for adding description in each accession in given collection (whenever possible, all accessions in a collection will follow the same approach)
    • Approach 1: Renumbering unnecessary, import description
      • Requirements
        • No repeated box numbers
        • Inventory exists
      • Guidelines
        • To be followed whenever possible
        • Cards have already been created for most applicable collections
    • Approach 2: Renumber boxes, import description
      • Requirements
        • Box numbers repeat
        • Inventory exists
      • Guidelines
        • This results in a collection that has easily discoverable description and no confusing repeating numbers
        • More complicated than other approaches
    • Approach 3: Don't renumber boxes, import description
      • Requirements
        • Box numbers repeat
        • Inventory exists
      • Guidelines
        • This results in a collection that has easily discoverable description, but can be confusing to use
        • Should always be followed when there are already repeating box numbers in ArchivesSpace
        • If approach 2 turns out to be too time-consuming or difficult, it will be necessary to expand this approach to more collections
    • Approach 4: Renumber boxes, don't import description
      • Requirements
        • Box numbers repeat
        • No inventory
      • Guidelines
        • Simple approach, but only applicable to a small number of collections
    • Approach 5: Don't renumber boxes or renumbering unnecessary, don't import description
      • Requirements
        • None
      • Guidelines
        • Simplest approach
        • Unless pressed for time, this will only be used for:
          • Collections without inventories and that have repeating box numbers already in ArchivesSpace or no repeated numbers
          • Collections that are closed indefinitely

Approach 1 (Renumbering unnecessary, import description)

  • Step 3: Staff member or advanced student adds description to ArchivesSpace
  • Step 4: Students add barcodes, container profiles, and locations (standard barcoding project list)

Approach 2 (Renumber boxes, import description)

  • Step 3: Staff member or advanced student adds description to import spreadsheet
  • Step 4: Staff member or advanced student identifies box numbers to change
  • Step 5: Staff member or advanced student changes box numbers in import spreadsheet and adds mapping to barcoding project spreadsheet
  • Step 6: Staff member or advanced student imports spreadsheet into ArchivesSpace
  • Step 7: Students renumber as directed (both on physical box and in location spreadsheet) and add barcodes, container profiles, and locations

Approach 3 (Don't renumber boxes, import description)

  • Step 3: Staff member or advanced student adds description to import spreadsheet
  • Step 4: Staff member or advanced student adds dummy barcodes to import spreadsheet
  • Step 5: Staff member or advanced student imports spreadsheet into ArchivesSpace
  • Step 6: Students add barcodes, container profiles, and locations (standard barcoding project list)

Approach 4 (Renumber boxes, importing N/A)

  • Step 3: Dan identifies box numbers to change and adds mapping to barcoding project spreadsheet
  • Step 4: Claire creates top containers in bulk
  • Step 5: Students renumber as directed (both on physical box and in location spreadsheet) and add barcodes, container profiles, and locations

Approach 5 (Don't renumber boxes or renumbering unnecessary, don't import description)

  • Step 3: Claire creates top containers in bulk
  • Step 4: Students add barcodes, container profiles, and locations (standard barcoding project list)