Quality control and troubleshooting - smith-special-collections/sc-documentation GitHub Wiki


To ensure that all files for each object have been ingested completely, that all derivative images have been generated, and that metadata displays correctly.

Quality Control steps

  1. Open Compass (you do not need to login, unless you are reviewing restricted content)

  2. Search for the collection or object in the Compass search box (making sure to put the ID in quotess), and click the search button. You can search by:

    • Identifier of the object (example: "SMT-14820328_270")
    • Compass PID (example: "smith:1342095")
  3. Review the object and metadata:

    • Verify that the thumbnail image displays in the Search results list
    • Click on the title of the object to view the full record
    • Scroll down the page to view the metadata -- check for typos, formatting errors, or missing data.
    • Verify that the title displayed at the top of the screen and in the metadata matches the title of the digitized object.
    • Verify that the large image(s) displays. For multi-page items, click through each page to ensure all images display
    • When reviewing content that is restricted to logged-in (Smith) users, check objects while logged in and while NOT logged in, to be sure every image is restricted to the general public.
  4. Record any issues found as instructed (usually in a project spreadsheet). QC note examples:

    • No images are displaying
    • The last several pages of book are not displaying
    • Title and description in metadata do not match the image

Note: when derivative images are missing, images may display as a folder icon or as "restricted" even if you are logged in.



If an ingest is incomplete or incorrect, first review the IMI spreadsheet: see Islandora IMI ingest troubleshooting checklist. If the IMI data appears to be error-free, you may contact the Compass manager to help you do further troubleshooting. You may need to rerun the ingest.

If it looks like the objects are ingested but no images appear, check:

  • Is derivative generation enabled for the content model (book/newspaper)?
  • Is the desired content model enabled in the target collection?
  • Are files saved to the correct location on the FTP server?
  • Does the OBJ column in the IMI spreadsheet contain the correct filenames and the correct file location prefix (for FTP ingest)?
  • If it was a ZIP ingest, does the zip archive contain a root folder? (it shouldn't)

If some images or derivatives are missing, click on Manage - Datastreams and check if the OBJ is listed as a datastream?

To add, replace, or edit metadata, see Metadata prep and management