OpenRefine Cheat Sheet - smith-special-collections/sc-documentation GitHub Wiki
Other Helpful Resources for OpenRefine
- Regular Expressions Tutorial
- RegExr is an interactive reference and testing tool for regular expressions
- Basic tips put together by Michelle to introduce staff to OpenRefine in December 2018
OpenRefine Functions not included in JSON Scripts
Transforming dates (1932-1999)
Extract dates from mixed title/date field
Separator (regular expression and only split into 2 columns):
[,][ ](?=[\[\(c]*[a]*[.]*[ ]*[0-9]{2})|[,][ ](?=[u][n][d][a][t][e][d])|[,][ ](?=[A-Za-z]{3}[.]*[ ][0-9]{2})
If text remains at end of dates:
- Separator (regular expression, split into 2 columns, and do not delete column):
- Delete first new column
- Rename second new column
- Separate out remaining text
- Separator (regular expression, split into two columns):
[.][ ][A-Za-z]
- Delete second new column
Inventory flattening
- Add column based on second to last column with expression
(column name Temp [name of column]) - Fill down new column
- Facet out blanks on last column
- Transform on second to last column (now third to last) with expression
cells['Temp Column'].value + " -- " + cells['Last column'].value
- Remove last two columns
- Repeat as necessary
Add text to beginning of cell:
"Text" + value
Add text to end of cell:
value + "Text"
Add columns to end of cells:
- Filter out null values
value + cells['COLUMN NAME'].value
- Remove column
Move data to different column:
- Facet for appropriate rows
- Select column to move to
cells['COLUMN TO MOVE FROM'].value
Create null column (using add column based on column):
Create blank column (using add column based on column):
Create blank row(s):
- Download GOKb Utilities extension
- Install (see instructions)
- All > Edit rows > Prepend rows
Extract (item) extents from mixed title/extent field
Separator (regular expression and only split into 2 columns):
[ ](?=[0-9]{1,}+[ ][i][t][e][m])