Managing objects - smith-special-collections/sc-documentation GitHub Wiki

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Regenerate derivative images

For one item or individual pages within a compound object/Book:

  1. Go to Manage screen for the item (page or single image)
  2. Click Datastream. Check if there is a “OBJ datastream”
  3. If so, click Manage - Properties *
  4. Click “Regenerate all derivatives”

If there is no OBJ datastream the file will need to be re-ingested:

  • Delete existing record and reingest

To regenerate all pages/files in a compound obj or book:

  1. At the Object level, go to Manage
  2. Click on Collection
  3. Click on Regenerate child derivatives
  4. Select Content Model(s) to create (TN, JPG, JPG2)
  5. Select Objects (if app)

To generate derivatives for multiple single images in a collection:

  1. At the Collection level, go to Manage
  2. Click on Collection
  3. Click on Regenerate child derivatives
  4. Select Content Model(s) to create (TN, JPG, JPG2)
  5. Select the objects that need derivatives generated
  6. Click "Regenerate selected derivatives for selected objects" OR Click "Regenerate selected derivatives for all collection objects" Repeat for each page of objects needing derivatives

Add missing pages to a Book or Compound object

  1. In Book view, click Manage
  2. Click Book
  3. Click Add page button
  4. Choose file, Upload file (ignore error message)
  5. Under Language, select “Do not perform OCR”
  6. Click INGEST ( takes awhile for the derivatives to be created)

The page will display when finished

Edit the title:

  1. Click Manage (while viewing the single page you want to edit)
  2. Click Properties
  3. In Item label field, where the filename is displayed, change it to the correct title (e.g. “Page 05”)
  4. Click Update properties

Reorder pages:

  1. Under Manage - Book
  2. Click Reorder pages
  3. At top right, under Display, change number of pages so you can see all the pages you need to reorder in one screen (if there are more than 10 pages) The newly added page should appear at the bottom of the list
  4. Click and drag the new page to correct position
  5. Click Save changes at bottom

If necessary, delete old page that was not displaying:

  1. Click Delete pages
  2. Select page(s) to delete (note: be sure to delete the old page and not the new page! If unsure, check the PIDs in the Book view)
  3. Click Save changes at bottom
  4. Return to the Book view to verify pages display in correct order and all images display

Add a PDF for a book object

Before uploading pdf file, change the filename to this format: smith:{PID}.pdf using the PID for book object (example: smith:1339801.pdf) PDF files must be less that 4 GB.

  1. In Book view, click Manage
  2. Go to Datastreams
  3. Click Add datastream
  4. Enter ID: PDF
  5. Enter label: PDF
  6. Click Upload file
  7. Click Add contents

Delete an individual object

  1. Go to the Compass digital object record for which the metadata will be updated.

  2. Select the manage tab above the navigation breadcrumbs. This will take you to the backend management dashboard.


  1. Select Properties under the Manage tab.

  2. Select Permanently Remove '[title of the object]' From Repository.


  1. Confirm removal.

Delete a batch of objects from a collection

  1. Scroll to the footer menu, and select Islandora Repository.


  1. Choose a top-level collection from the silver folder icons. At this level, the collections correspond with the partner institution.

  2. Continue to drill down into the partner institution's folder to the specific collection folder for which you would like to delete objects.

  3. Once in the folder, select the Manage tab, underneath the navigation breadcrumbs. This will take you to the backend management dashboard.


  1. Select Collection under the Manage tab.


  1. On the side tabs, select Delete Members of This Collection.


  1. Check the boxes for the specific objects you would like to delete. If you would like to delete all objects, select the check box near the field title Label.


  1. At the bottom of the page, select Delete Selected Objects. Confirm deletion.


Migrate objects from one collection to another

Migrating objects removes them from their current collection and adds them to a selected collection.

  1. Scroll to the footer menu, and select Islandora Repository.

  2. Choose a top-level collection from the silver folder icons. At this level, the collections correspond with the partner institution.

  3. Continue to drill down into the partner institution's folder to the specific collection folder for which you would like to delete objects.

  4. Once in the folder, select the Manage tab, underneath the navigation breadcrumbs. This will take you to the backend management dashboard.

  5. Select Collection under the Manage tab.

  6. On the side tabs, select Migrate Members.


  1. Select the objects to migrate. If you would like to migrate all objects, see the next step.

  2. At the bottom of the page, select the collection to which the objects will be migrated. Select Migrate Selected Objects, if select objects will be migrated. Select Migrate All Objects to migrate all objects in the collection to another one.


  1. Once processed, ensure that the migration was effective.

Share objects with multiple collections

Sharing objects with multiple collections ensures the objects are related to, findable, and accessible in all collection with which it is shared.

  1. Scroll to the footer menu, and select Islandora Repository.

  2. Choose a top-level collection from the silver folder icons. At this level, the collections correspond with the partner institution.

  3. Continue to drill down into the partner institution's folder to the specific collection folder for which you would like to delete objects.

  4. Once in the folder, select the Manage tab, underneath the navigation breadcrumbs. This will take you to the backend management dashboard.

  5. Select Collection under the Manage tab.

  6. On the side tabs, select Share Members.


  1. Select the objects to share. If you would like to share all objects, see the next step.

  2. At the bottom of the page, select the collection with which the objects will be shared. Select Share Selected Objects, if select objects will be shared. Select Share All Objects to share all objects in the collection with another one.


  1. Once processed, ensure that the sharing was effective.

Managing object permissions

See instructions-draft