Making filing cabinet labels - smith-special-collections/sc-documentation GitHub Wiki

How to: Make Filing Cabinet Labels

Each label should be 18mm*67mm, Depending on paper thickness (e.g. cardstock versus printer paper), the label might be more secure if it is taller; be sure to check against label frame measurements so everything fits. Measure cabinet label frames and cut out prototypes with different papers. This can help you see how they sit or move, as well as appropriate size for the font.

In Microsoft Excel, create a spreadsheet noting each cabinet’s location, repository, and contents. Edit as needed to make the description work for a label - clear and concise, noting what kind of documents can be found.

In Microsoft Word, begin Mail Merge under “Mailings” tab and choose corresponding labels or create a new label with the correct dimensions. Make sure the fields for repository and contents are on each label. Once the Mail Merge is complete, each label should be filled in, keeping the same order as the Excel spreadsheet.

Center text, using Gill Sans MT size 9 for heading (repository - if all three, write “Special Collections”), size 11 for body (contents)

for contents; go up to the first two letters of last name or organization name unless further differentiation is needed. (E.g. Mac-Mar, Sm-So)

When printing, do a test run with one page to make sure that sizing is accurate and words are not along label edges. Be sure to print slowly – the ink can smudge if multiple pages are printed at once. Instead, print one page at a time.

Double check to make sure the cabinet label frame is not bent shut.