Born Digital data entry instructions - smith-special-collections/sc-documentation GitHub Wiki
Originally written for a 2020 backlog project, use with caution.
Enter the following information at the archival object level:
- Devise a title that portrays the intellectual content and type of the materials being described. If the computer media is simply listed by format, the title should be changed to describe the contents, not the media. The original format is noted in the Extent and Processing information note (see below).
- when describing a broad range of content, the title be general, such as "digital files" or "computer backups." If there are other archival objects within the resource record with a similar general title, it is recommended that you include some unique identifying information in the title such as date(s) or type of media.
"Mary Mackey's digital files" for an accession of over 6,000 files received on a flash drive
"Dyke TV digital images" for files copied from 5 photo CDs in the Dyke TV records.
“Theresa Carr computer backups copied from hard drive, 2001-2008” and “Theresa Carr computer backups copied from hard drive, 2008-2015.”
See Extents page.
- Enter a statement about the existence of digital material and how it can be accessed.
- Staff are not expected to add Physical characteristics & Tech Requirements notes beyond the general notes shown here. The Digital Preservation Archivist will add information regarding any special technical requirements.
- This content was received from the donor in digital form and is not currently available online. Please consult with Special Collections staff or email [email protected] to request access to this digital content. Note that Special Collections may not be able to provide the required software to read all files.
- This content was received from the donor in digital form and is available online. Note that Special Collections may not be able to provide the required software to read all files.
See Processing Note page.
- Generally, in the Smith College Special Collections we use Scope and Contents notes only at the resource- and series- level to describe meaningful aggregations of information. Exceptions include for significant amounts of digital content which may need to be described at the archival object level.
- If they seem significant, include titles or descriptions from the log, or any information that you think should be discoverable by a keyword search (since the attached log files and file lists are not searchable in ArchivesSpace).
- For additional tips on writing a scope and content note, see general Scope and content guidelines
The Prison Birth Project administrative files from Lisa Andrew's computer include leadership and collective meetings; organizational planning documents; program planning; anti-shackling legislation materials; correspondence; financial and fundraising records; print and web promotional materials; and files related to PBP's closing and legacy project. Images of PBP events include Doula training, Anti-Shackling training, the annual Mother's Day/Mama's Day, and Solidarity Supper.
- Add an access note at archival object level only if there are restrictions specific to the digital content.
- Digital content should generally fall under the same access conditions as the physical materials in a collection, unless content needs to be examined further and possibly weeded or otherwise processed before access can be provided.
Example: This digital content is closed until it can be processed.
Instructions: Add a note referring to any additional file lists or logs that provide additional description of the contents.
For large amounts of media, rather than uploading and linking to multiple file lists, it may be more appropriate to just add a link to the log, which lists the media by title/label, and add a note referring to the file lists.
- See attached file list for a detailed list of contents.
- See the attached log for a list of media copied. More detailed digital file lists are available upon request.
- Create the digital object record at the appropriate archival object level-- series or file level -- preferably where the content and physical media (if any) is described in the container list.
- Follow the instructions for creating a Digital Object record.
- Look up the file path for the digital object instructions
- Digital objects records for files in LibPres should NOT be published, since those are the preservation copies, not accessible to the public.
- Add file lists and logs as separate digital objects linked to the same archival object. These should be located in a Google drive folder
The digital object
- Title: Dee Mosbacher personal files and photos
- Identifier: smith_ssc_740_15S-09_fd3
- File URI: \{filepath for preservation server_}\mosbacher_740\smith_ssc_740_15S-09\smith_ssc_740_15S-09_fd3
- Caption: Preservation files
- Leave Publish boxes unchecked
File list
- Title: File list for Dee Mosbacher personal files and photos
- Identifier: smith_ssc_740_15S-09_fd3_filelist
- File version:
- URI: [link to document in Google Drive]
- XLink Actuate Attribute: select "onRequest" from dropdown list (for online access files only)
- XLink Show Attribute: select "new" from dropdown list (for online access files only)
- Caption: “Link to file list” (or log)
- Check all “Publish” boxes
Enter the following information at the top level of the resource record
- At the Resource level, the total amount of all digital content for the collection should be entered as one part of the extent. This is calculated by adding all extents for the digital objects you’ve added, as well as any existing digital objects.
- Add a new extent for the digital content, as Portion: “Part”
- Enter the extent in gigabytes as described in the Extents guidelines.
- Round to three decimal points when content is less than 1 GB. If necessary, use an online calculator to convert to GB like this one
- (optional) In the container summary provide the number of individual digital files. Again, this will be the total number of digital files combined from all digital objects.
- Number: 3.25
- Type: Gigabytes
- Container summary: 439 digital files
- Add the genre term “Electronic records” at Resource level.
- (optional) Add any additional subjects reflecting digital content, if different from paper files.
- Enter a general statement about the existence of digital material and how it can be accessed.
- Staff are not expected to add Physical characteristics & Tech Requirements notes beyond the general notes shown here. The Digital Preservation Archivist will add information regarding any special technical requirements.
- Online content should also have the appropriate Existence and Location of Copies note (below).
- This collection contains materials received from the donor in digital form that are not currently available online. Please consult with Special Collections staff or email [email protected] to request access to this digital content.
- This collection contains materials received from the donor in digital form and is available online. See links to online content in the contents listing. Note that Special Collections may not be able to provide the required software to read all files.
- This collection contains materials received from the donor in digital form, some of which is available online. See links to online content in the contents listing. Please consult with Special Collections staff or email [email protected] to request access to digital content that is not online. Note that Special Collections may not be able to provide the required software to read all files.
If some or all of the content is available online enter the appropriate note. Links to online content are added as a file version in the digital object record. If there is a website or online collection to link to add it here.
- [Selections of] [T]he digital content in this [collection/series/sub-series] was received from the donor in digital form and is available at [Title of location]. See links in contents listing.
- [if applicable, add] Please consult with Special Collections staff or email
<extref href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</extref>
to request access to digital content that is not online.
- Add a brief processing statement about the digital files being copied from computer media.
- Unrecovered media should be noted in Processing Info note. This information can be found in log.
- The contents of all computer media in this collection has been copied to networked storage for preservation and access; the original directory and file structure was retained and file lists were created.
- (if applicable): Some floppy disks were unable to be copied. See the log files linked in the container list for more details.
- Update the Scope and content at the Resource level if necessary, to reflect subject matter of digital materials if different from materials already described, or to call attention to significant digital content. For small amounts of digital content this is not necessary. More detail can be added at the series or archival object level.
- For additional tips on writing a scope and content note, see general Scope and content guidelines
Example (description added to an existing S&C note):
- There are also a large number of digital photos and video of Prison Birth Project events. Photos and videos include Doula training, Anti-Shackling training, the annual Mother's Day/Mama's Day, and Solidarity Supper.
- Update the access note at the Resource only if access is different for the digital content.
- Digital content should generally fall under the same access conditions as the physical materials in a collection, unless content needs to be examined further and possibly weeded or otherwise processed before access can be provided.
- For more information see general guidelines for Condition governing access note
Example: Digital content is closed until it can be processed.
Add the following Revision statement under [finding aid information]:
Description added for born-digital content.
Include the date of the revision in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
UC "Guidelines for Born-Digital Archival Description" (good resource for more examples of born-digital description)