ArchivesSpace Configuration - smith-special-collections/sc-documentation GitHub Wiki
As part of our ArchivesSpace PUI Implementation Project we requested Lyrasis do several update/changes to our look and configuration.
Inheritance Rules
- Disable Inheritance Rules on:
- Component ID
- Dates
- Extents
- Change to indirect inheritance
- Conditions governing access note
- Scope and contents note
AppConfig[:oai_ead_options] = { :include_daos => true, :use_numbered_c_tags => true }
- Disallow: /search*
- Disallow: /inventory/*
- Disallow: /collection_organization/*
- Disallow: /repositories//top_containers/
- Disallow: /check_session*
- Disallow: /repositories//resources//tree/*
- Remove "Unprocessed material" and "Digital Objects" from the top menu
- Changed text of "Collection Organization" tab to "Finding Aid View"
- Added informative text and search tips to home page
- Added links to other Smith sites in footer
- Changed "Dates" label to "Dates of Material" - this information is in the locales file
- Suppressed the "Request" button
Search results
Boosted Collection in results list.
User-defined fields
- Changed label on the user defined boolean 1 to "Do not sync metadata to Compass" - this information is in the locales file. This impacts the Berry Hill metadata synchronization workflow