MongoDB地理坐标索引 - smile0821/learngit GitHub Wiki
.. default-domain:: mongodb
.. contents:: On this page :local: :backlinks: none :depth: 1 :class: singlecol
MongoDB supports query operations on geospatial data. This section introduces MongoDB's geospatial features.
.. _geo-overview-location-data:
In MongoDB, you can store geospatial data as :ref:GeoJSON <geospatial-geojson>
objects or as :ref:legacy coordinate pairs <geospatial-legacy>
.. _geospatial-geojson:
GeoJSON Objects
To calculate geometry over an Earth-like sphere, store your location
data as :doc:`GeoJSON objects </reference/geojson>`.
.. include:: /includes/extracts/geojson-specification-geospatial.rst
.. _geospatial-legacy:
Legacy Coordinate Pairs
To calculate distances on a Euclidean plane, store your location data
as legacy coordinate pairs and use a :ref:geo-2d
index. MongoDB
supports spherical surface calculations on legacy coordinate pairs via
a :ref:geo-2dsphere
index by converting the data to the GeoJSON Point
.. include:: /includes/fact-legacy-coordinates-specification.rst
.. _index-feature-geospatial:
MongoDB provides the following geospatial index types to support the geospatial queries.
.. _geo-2dsphere:
:doc:`2dsphere </core/2dsphere>` indexes support queries that calculate
:ref:`geometries on an earth-like sphere <geospatial-geometry>`.
.. include:: /includes/create-2dsphere-index.rst
For more information on the ``2dsphere`` index, see
.. _geo-2d:
:doc:`2d </core/2d>` indexes support queries that calculate
:ref:`geometries on a two-dimensional plane <geospatial-geometry>`.
Although the index can support :query:`$nearSphere` queries that
calculate on a sphere, if possible, use the :ref:`geo-2dsphere` index
for spherical queries.
.. include:: /includes/create-2d-index.rst
For more information on the ``2d`` index, see :doc:`/core/2d`.
Geospatial Indexes and Sharded Collections
.. include:: /includes/extracts/geospatial-index-shard-key-restriction-general.rst
The following geospatial operations are supported on sharded collections:
aggregation stage -
|geo-operation| query operators (starting in MongoDB 4.0)
.. include:: /includes/fact-near-sharded-cluster.rst
.. |geo-operation| replace:: :query:$near
and :query:$nearSphere
You can also query for geospatial data for a sharded cluster using
and :query:$geoIntersect
Covered Queries
.. include:: /includes/fact-geospatial-index-covered-query.rst
Geospatial Queries
.. note::
.. include:: /includes/extracts/geospatial-queries-longitude-values.rst
Geospatial Query Operators
MongoDB provides the following geospatial query operators:
.. include:: /includes/toc/table-operator-query-geospatial.rst
For more details, including examples, see the individual reference page.
Geospatial Aggregation Stage
MongoDB provides the following geospatial :doc:`aggregation pipeline
stage </core/aggregation-pipeline>`:
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 38 72
* - Stage
- Description
* - :pipeline:`$geoNear`
- .. include:: /includes/extracts/geoNear-stage-toc-description.rst
.. include:: /includes/extracts/geoNear-stage-index-requirement.rst
For more details, including examples, see :pipeline:`$geoNear`
reference page.
.. _geospatial-geometry:
Geospatial Models
MongoDB geospatial queries can interpret geometry on a flat surface or
a sphere.
``2dsphere`` indexes support only spherical queries (i.e. queries that
interpret geometries on a spherical surface).
``2d`` indexes support flat queries (i.e. queries that interpret
geometries on a flat surface) and some spherical queries. While ``2d``
indexes support some spherical queries, the use of ``2d`` indexes for
these spherical queries can result in error. If possible, use
``2dsphere`` indexes for spherical queries.
The following table lists the geospatial query operators, supported
query, used by each geospatial operations:
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 48, 12, 40
* - Operation
- Spherical/Flat Query
- Notes
* - :query:`$near` (:ref:`GeoJSON <geospatial-geojson>` centroid
point in this line and the following line, :ref:`2dsphere
<geo-2dsphere>` index)
- Spherical
- See also the :query:`$nearSphere` operator, which provides the
same functionality when used with :ref:`GeoJSON
<geospatial-geojson>` and a :ref:`2dsphere <geo-2dsphere>` index.
* - :query:`$near` (:ref:`legacy coordinates <geospatial-legacy>`, :ref:`2d <geo-2d>` index)
- Flat
* - :query:`$nearSphere` (:ref:`GeoJSON <geospatial-geojson>` point, :ref:`2dsphere <geo-2dsphere>` index)
- Spherical
- Provides the same functionality as :query:`$near` operation that
uses :ref:`GeoJSON <geospatial-geojson>` point and a
:ref:`2dsphere <geo-2dsphere>` index.
For spherical queries, it may be preferable to use
:query:`$nearSphere` which explicitly specifies the spherical
queries in the name rather than :query:`$near` operator.
* - :query:`$nearSphere` (:ref:`legacy coordinates <geospatial-legacy>`, :ref:`2d <geo-2d>` index)
- Spherical
- Use :term:`GeoJSON` points instead.
* - :query:`$geoWithin` : { :query:`$geometry`: ... }
- Spherical
* - :query:`$geoWithin` : { :query:`$box`: ... }
- Flat
* - :query:`$geoWithin` : { :query:`$polygon`: ... }
- Flat
* - :query:`$geoWithin` : { :query:`$center`: ... }
- Flat
* - :query:`$geoWithin` : { :query:`$centerSphere`: ... }
- Spherical
* - :query:`$geoIntersects`
- Spherical
* - :pipeline:`$geoNear` aggregation stage (:ref:`2dsphere <geo-2dsphere>` index)
- Spherical
* - :pipeline:`$geoNear` aggregation stage (:ref:`2d <geo-2d>` index)
- Flat
Create a collection ``places`` with the following documents:
.. code-block:: javascript
db.places.insert( {
name: "Central Park",
location: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ -73.97, 40.77 ] },
category: "Parks"
} );
db.places.insert( {
name: "Sara D. Roosevelt Park",
location: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ -73.9928, 40.7193 ] },
category: "Parks"
} );
db.places.insert( {
name: "Polo Grounds",
location: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ -73.9375, 40.8303 ] },
category: "Stadiums"
} );
The following operation creates a ``2dsphere`` index on the
``location`` field:
.. code-block:: javascript
db.places.createIndex( { location: "2dsphere" } )
The following query uses the :query:`$near` operator to return
documents that are at least 1000 meters from and at most 5000 meters
from the specified GeoJSON point, sorted in order from nearest to
.. code-block:: javascript
{ $near:
$geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ -73.9667, 40.78 ] },
$minDistance: 1000,
$maxDistance: 5000
The following operation uses the :pipeline:`geoNear` aggregation
operation to return documents that match the query filter ``{ category:
"Parks" }``, sorted in order of nearest to farthest to the specified
GeoJSON point:
.. code-block:: javascript
db.places.aggregate( [
$geoNear: {
near: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ -73.9667, 40.78 ] },
spherical: true,
query: { category: "Parks" },
distanceField: "calcDistance"
] )
.. toctree::